import LdapClient = require("../../../src/server/lib/LdapClient"); import { LdapConfiguration } from "../../../src/types/Configuration"; import sinon = require("sinon"); import BluebirdPromise = require("bluebird"); import assert = require("assert"); import ldapjs = require("ldapjs"); import winston = require("winston"); import { EventEmitter } from "events"; import { LdapjsMock, LdapjsClientMock } from "./mocks/ldapjs"; describe("test ldap validation", function () { let ldap: LdapClient.LdapClient; let ldapClient: LdapjsClientMock; let ldapjs: LdapjsMock; let ldapConfig: LdapConfiguration; beforeEach(function () { ldapClient = LdapjsClientMock(); ldapjs = LdapjsMock(); ldapjs.createClient.returns(ldapClient); ldapConfig = { url: "http://localhost:324", user: "admin", password: "password", base_dn: "dc=example,dc=com", additional_user_dn: "ou=users" }; ldap = new LdapClient.LdapClient(ldapConfig, ldapjs, winston); }); describe("test checking password", test_checking_password); describe("test get emails from username", test_get_emails); describe("test get groups from username", test_get_groups); describe("test update password", test_update_password); function test_checking_password() { function test_check_password_internal() { const username = "username"; const password = "password"; return ldap.checkPassword(username, password); } it("should bind the user if good credentials provided", function () { ldapClient.bind.yields(); ldapClient.unbind.yields(); return test_check_password_internal(); }); it("should bind the user with correct DN", function () { ldapConfig.user_name_attribute = "uid"; const username = "user"; const password = "password"; ldapClient.bind.withArgs("uid=user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com").yields(); ldapClient.unbind.yields(); return ldap.checkPassword(username, password); }); it("should default to cn user search filter if no filter provided", function () { const username = "user"; const password = "password"; ldapClient.bind.withArgs("cn=user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com").yields(); ldapClient.unbind.yields(); return ldap.checkPassword(username, password); }); it("should not bind the user if wrong credentials provided", function () { ldapClient.bind.yields("wrong credentials"); const promise = test_check_password_internal(); return promise.catch(function () { return BluebirdPromise.resolve(); }); }); } function test_get_emails() { let res_emitter: any; let expected_doc: any; beforeEach(function () { expected_doc = { object: { mail: "" } }; res_emitter = { on: sinon.spy(function (event: string, fn: (doc: any) => void) { if (event != "error") fn(expected_doc); }) }; }); it("should retrieve the email of an existing user", function () {, res_emitter); return ldap.retrieveEmails("user") .then(function (emails) { assert.deepEqual(emails, [expected_doc.object.mail]); return BluebirdPromise.resolve(); }); }); it("should retrieve email for user with uid name attribute", function () { ldapConfig.user_name_attribute = "uid";"uid=username,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com").yields(undefined, res_emitter); return ldap.retrieveEmails("username") .then(function (emails) { assert.deepEqual(emails, [""]); return BluebirdPromise.resolve(); }); }); it("should fail on error with search method", function () { const expected_doc = { mail: [""] };"Error while searching mails"); return ldap.retrieveEmails("user") .catch(function () { return BluebirdPromise.resolve(); }); }); } function test_get_groups() { let res_emitter: any; let expected_doc1: any, expected_doc2: any; beforeEach(function () { expected_doc1 = { object: { cn: "group1" } }; expected_doc2 = { object: { cn: "group2" } }; res_emitter = { on: sinon.spy(function (event: string, fn: (doc: any) => void) { if (event != "error") fn(expected_doc1); if (event != "error") fn(expected_doc2); }) }; }); it("should retrieve the groups of an existing user", function () {, res_emitter); return ldap.retrieveGroups("user") .then(function (groups) { assert.deepEqual(groups, ["group1", "group2"]); return BluebirdPromise.resolve(); }); }); it("should reduce the scope to additional_group_dn", function (done) { ldapConfig.additional_group_dn = "ou=groups";, res_emitter); ldap.retrieveGroups("user") .then(function() { assert.equal([0], "ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com"); done(); }); }); it("should use default group_name_attr if not provided", function (done) {, res_emitter); ldap.retrieveGroups("user") .then(function() { assert.equal([0], "dc=example,dc=com"); assert.equal([1].filter, "member=cn=user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"); assert.deepEqual([1].attributes, ["cn"]); done(); }); }); it("should fail on error with search method", function () {"error"); return ldap.retrieveGroups("user") .catch(function () { return BluebirdPromise.resolve(); }); }); } function test_update_password() { it("should update the password successfully", function () { const change = { operation: "replace", modification: { userPassword: "new-password" } }; const userdn = "cn=user,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com"; ldapClient.bind.yields(); ldapClient.unbind.yields(); ldapClient.modify.yields(); return ldap.updatePassword("user", "new-password") .then(function () { assert.deepEqual(ldapClient.modify.getCall(0).args[0], userdn); assert.deepEqual(ldapClient.modify.getCall(0).args[1].operation, change.operation); const userPassword = ldapClient.modify.getCall(0).args[1].modification.userPassword; assert(/{SSHA}/.test(userPassword)); return BluebirdPromise.resolve(); }) .catch(function(err) { return BluebirdPromise.reject(new Error("It should fail")); }); }); it("should fail when ldap throws an error", function () { ldapClient.bind.yields(undefined); ldapClient.modify.yields("Error"); return ldap.updatePassword("user", "new-password") .catch(function () { return BluebirdPromise.resolve(); }); }); it("should update password of user using particular user name attribute", function () { ldapConfig.user_name_attribute = "uid"; ldapClient.bind.yields(); ldapClient.unbind.yields(); ldapClient.modify.withArgs("uid=username,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com").yields(); return ldap.updatePassword("username", "newpass"); }); } });