var ldap = require('../../src/lib/ldap'); var sinon = require('sinon'); var Promise = require('bluebird'); var assert = require('assert'); describe('test ldap validation', function() { var ldap_client; beforeEach(function() { ldap_client = { bind: sinon.stub(), search: sinon.stub(), modify: sinon.stub(), Change: sinon.spy() } }); describe('test binding', test_binding); describe('test get email', test_get_email); describe('test update password', test_update_password); function test_binding() { function test_validate() { var username = 'user'; var password = 'password'; var users_dn = 'dc=example,dc=com'; return ldap.validate(ldap_client, username, password, users_dn); } it('should bind the user if good credentials provided', function() { ldap_client.bind.yields(); return test_validate(); }); it('should bind the user with correct DN', function(done) { var username = 'user'; var password = 'password'; var user_search_base = 'dc=example,dc=com'; var user_search_filter = 'uid'; ldap_client.bind = sinon.spy(function(dn) { if(dn == 'uid=user,dc=example,dc=com') done(); }); ldap.validate(ldap_client, username, password, user_search_base, user_search_filter); }); it('should default to cn user search filter if no filter provided', function(done) { var username = 'user'; var password = 'password'; var user_search_base = 'dc=example,dc=com'; ldap_client.bind = sinon.spy(function(dn) { if(dn == 'cn=user,dc=example,dc=com') done(); }); ldap.validate(ldap_client, username, password, user_search_base, undefined); }); // cover an issue with promisify context it('should promisify correctly', function() { function LdapClient() { this.test = 'abc'; } LdapClient.prototype.bind = function(username, password, fn) { assert.equal('abc', this.test); fn(); } ldap_client = new LdapClient(); return test_validate(); }); it('should not bind the user if wrong credentials provided', function() { ldap_client.bind.yields('wrong credentials'); var promise = test_validate(); return promise.catch(function() { return Promise.resolve(); }); }); } function test_get_email() { it('should retrieve the email of an existing user', function() { var expected_doc = {}; expected_doc.object = {}; expected_doc.object.mail = ''; var res_emitter = {}; res_emitter.on = sinon.spy(function(event, fn) { if(event != 'error') fn(expected_doc) });, res_emitter); return ldap.get_email(ldap_client, 'user', 'dc=example,dc=com') .then(function(doc) { assert.deepEqual(doc, expected_doc.object); return Promise.resolve(); }) }); it('should use the user filter', function(done) { = sinon.spy(function(dn) { if(dn == 'uid=username,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com') done(); }); ldap.get_email(ldap_client, 'username', 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com', 'uid') }); it('should fail on error with search method', function(done) { var expected_doc = {}; expected_doc.mail = []; expected_doc.mail.push('');'error'); ldap.get_email(ldap_client, 'user', 'dc=example,dc=com') .catch(function() { done(); }) }); } function test_update_password() { it('should update the password successfully', function(done) { var change = {}; change.operation = 'replace'; change.modification = {}; change.modification.userPassword = 'new-password'; var config = {}; config.ldap_user_search_base = 'dc=example,dc=com'; config.ldap_user = 'admin'; var userdn = 'cn=user,dc=example,dc=com'; var ldapjs = {}; ldapjs.Change = sinon.spy(); ldap_client.bind.yields(undefined); ldap_client.modify.yields(undefined); ldap.update_password(ldap_client, ldapjs, 'user', 'new-password', config) .then(function() { assert.deepEqual(ldap_client.modify.getCall(0).args[0], userdn); assert.deepEqual(ldapjs.Change.getCall(0).args[0].operation, change.operation); var userPassword = ldapjs.Change.getCall(0).args[0].modification.userPassword; assert(/{SSHA}/.test(userPassword)); done(); }) }); it('should fail when ldap throws an error', function(done) { ldap_client.bind.yields(undefined); ldap_client.modify.yields('Error'); var config = {}; config.ldap_users_dn = 'dc=example,dc=com'; config.ldap_user = 'admin'; var ldapjs = {}; ldapjs.Change = sinon.spy(); ldap.update_password(ldap_client, ldapjs, 'user', 'new-password', config) .catch(function() { done(); }) }); it('should use the user filter', function(done) { var ldapjs = {}; ldapjs.Change = sinon.spy(); var config = {}; config.ldap_user_search_base = 'ou=users,dc=example,dc=com'; config.ldap_user_search_filter = 'uid'; config.ldap_user = 'admin'; ldap_client.bind.yields(undefined); ldap_client.modify = sinon.spy(function(dn) { if(dn == 'uid=username,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com') done(); }); ldap.update_password(ldap_client, ldapjs, 'username', 'newpass', config) }); } });