package notification import ( "crypto/tls" "crypto/x509" "errors" "fmt" "io" "mime/multipart" "net" "net/mail" "net/smtp" "os" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // NewSMTPNotifier creates a SMTPNotifier using the notifier configuration. func NewSMTPNotifier(config *schema.SMTPNotifierConfiguration, certPool *x509.CertPool, templateProvider *templates.Provider) *SMTPNotifier { notifier := &SMTPNotifier{ config: config, tlsConfig: utils.NewTLSConfig(config.TLS, certPool), log: logging.Logger(), templates: templateProvider, } at := strings.LastIndex(config.Sender.Address, "@") if at >= 0 { notifier.domain = config.Sender.Address[at:] } return notifier } // SMTPNotifier a notifier to send emails to SMTP servers. type SMTPNotifier struct { config *schema.SMTPNotifierConfiguration domain string tlsConfig *tls.Config log *logrus.Logger templates *templates.Provider client *smtp.Client } // Send is used to email a recipient. func (n *SMTPNotifier) Send(recipient mail.Address, subject string, bodyText, bodyHTML []byte) (err error) { if err = n.dial(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf(fmtSMTPDialError, err) } // Always execute QUIT at the end once we're connected. defer n.cleanup() if err = n.preamble(recipient); err != nil { return err } // Compose and send the email body to the server. if err = n.compose(recipient, subject, bodyText, bodyHTML); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf(fmtSMTPGenericError, smtpCommandDATA, err) } n.log.Debug("Notifier SMTP client successfully sent email") return nil } // StartupCheck implements the startup check provider interface. func (n *SMTPNotifier) StartupCheck() (err error) { if err = n.dial(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf(fmtSMTPDialError, err) } // Always execute QUIT at the end once we're connected. defer n.cleanup() if err = n.preamble(n.config.StartupCheckAddress); err != nil { return err } return n.client.Reset() } // preamble performs generic preamble requirements for sending messages via SMTP. func (n *SMTPNotifier) preamble(recipient mail.Address) (err error) { if err = n.client.Hello(n.config.Identifier); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf(fmtSMTPGenericError, smtpCommandHELLO, err) } if err = n.startTLS(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf(fmtSMTPGenericError, smtpCommandSTARTTLS, err) } if err = n.auth(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf(fmtSMTPGenericError, smtpCommandAUTH, err) } if err = n.client.Mail(n.config.Sender.Address); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf(fmtSMTPGenericError, smtpCommandMAIL, err) } if err = n.client.Rcpt(recipient.Address); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf(fmtSMTPGenericError, smtpCommandRCPT, err) } return nil } // Dial the SMTP server with the SMTPNotifier config. func (n *SMTPNotifier) dial() (err error) { var ( client *smtp.Client conn net.Conn dialer = &net.Dialer{Timeout: n.config.Timeout} ) n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP client attempting connection to %s:%d", n.config.Host, n.config.Port) if n.config.Port == smtpPortSUBMISSIONS { n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP client using submissions port 465. Make sure the mail server you are connecting to is configured for submissions and not SMTPS.") conn, err = tls.DialWithDialer(dialer, "tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", n.config.Host, n.config.Port), n.tlsConfig) } else { conn, err = dialer.Dial("tcp", fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", n.config.Host, n.config.Port)) } switch { case err == nil: break case errors.Is(err, io.EOF): return fmt.Errorf("received %w error: this error often occurs due to network errors such as a firewall, network policies, or closed ports which may be due to smtp service not running or an incorrect port specified in configuration", err) default: return err } if client, err = smtp.NewClient(conn, n.config.Host); err != nil { return err } n.client = client n.log.Debug("Notifier SMTP client connected successfully") return nil } // Do startTLS if available (some servers only provide the auth extension after, and encryption is preferred). func (n *SMTPNotifier) startTLS() error { // Skips STARTTLS if is disabled in configuration. if n.config.DisableStartTLS { n.log.Warn("Notifier SMTP connection has opportunistic STARTTLS explicitly disabled which means all emails will be sent insecurely over plain text and this setting is only necessary for non-compliant SMTP servers which advertise they support STARTTLS when they actually don't support STARTTLS") return nil } // Only start if not already encrypted. if _, ok := n.client.TLSConnectionState(); ok { n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP connection is already encrypted, skipping STARTTLS") return nil } switch ok, _ := n.client.Extension(smtpExtSTARTTLS); ok { case true: n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP server supports STARTTLS (disableVerifyCert: %t, ServerName: %s), attempting", n.tlsConfig.InsecureSkipVerify, n.tlsConfig.ServerName) if err := n.client.StartTLS(n.tlsConfig); err != nil { return err } n.log.Debug("Notifier SMTP STARTTLS completed without error") default: switch n.config.DisableRequireTLS { case true: n.log.Warn("Notifier SMTP server does not support STARTTLS and SMTP configuration is set to disable the TLS requirement (only useful for unauthenticated emails over plain text)") default: return errors.New("server does not support TLS and it is required by default (see documentation if you want to disable this highly recommended requirement)") } } return nil } // Attempt Authentication. func (n *SMTPNotifier) auth() (err error) { // Attempt AUTH if password is specified only. if n.config.Password != "" { var ( ok bool m string ) if _, ok = n.client.TLSConnectionState(); !ok { return errors.New("client does not support authentication over plain text and the connection is currently plain text") } // Check the server supports AUTH, and get the mechanisms. if ok, m = n.client.Extension(smtpCommandAUTH); ok { var auth smtp.Auth n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP server supports authentication with the following mechanisms: %s", m) mechanisms := strings.Split(m, " ") // Adaptively select the AUTH mechanism to use based on what the server advertised. if utils.IsStringInSlice(smtpAUTHMechanismPlain, mechanisms) { auth = smtp.PlainAuth("", n.config.Username, n.config.Password, n.config.Host) n.log.Debug("Notifier SMTP client attempting AUTH PLAIN with server") } else if utils.IsStringInSlice(smtpAUTHMechanismLogin, mechanisms) { auth = newLoginAuth(n.config.Username, n.config.Password, n.config.Host) n.log.Debug("Notifier SMTP client attempting AUTH LOGIN with server") } // Throw error since AUTH extension is not supported. if auth == nil { return fmt.Errorf("server does not advertise an AUTH mechanism that is supported (PLAIN or LOGIN are supported, but server advertised mechanisms '%s')", m) } // Authenticate. if err = n.client.Auth(auth); err != nil { return err } n.log.Debug("Notifier SMTP client authenticated successfully with the server") return nil } return errors.New("server does not advertise the AUTH extension but config requires AUTH (password specified), either disable AUTH, or use an SMTP host that supports AUTH PLAIN or AUTH LOGIN") } n.log.Debug("Notifier SMTP config has no password specified so authentication is being skipped") return nil } func (n *SMTPNotifier) compose(recipient mail.Address, subject string, bodyText, bodyHTML []byte) (err error) { n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP client attempting to send email body to %s", recipient.String()) if !n.config.DisableRequireTLS { _, ok := n.client.TLSConnectionState() if !ok { return errors.New("client can't send an email over plain text connection") } } var ( wc io.WriteCloser muuid uuid.UUID ) if wc, err = n.client.Data(); err != nil { n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP client error while obtaining WriteCloser: %v", err) return err } if muuid, err = uuid.NewRandom(); err != nil { return err } data := templates.EmailEnvelopeValues{ ProcessID: os.Getpid(), UUID: muuid.String(), Host: n.config.Host, ServerName: n.config.TLS.ServerName, SenderDomain: n.domain, Identifier: n.config.Identifier, From: n.config.Sender.String(), To: recipient.String(), Subject: strings.ReplaceAll(n.config.Subject, "{title}", subject), Date: time.Now(), } if err = n.templates.ExecuteEmailEnvelope(wc, data); err != nil { n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP client error while sending email body over WriteCloser: %v", err) return err } mwr := multipart.NewWriter(wc) if _, err = wc.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(`Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="%s"`, mwr.Boundary()))); err != nil { return err } if _, err = wc.Write(rfc2822DoubleNewLine); err != nil { return err } ext8BITMIME, _ := n.client.Extension(smtpExt8BITMIME) if err = multipartWrite(mwr, smtpMIMEHeaders(ext8BITMIME, smtpContentTypeTextPlain, bodyText), bodyText); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to write text/plain part: %w", err) } if len(bodyHTML) != 0 { if err = multipartWrite(mwr, smtpMIMEHeaders(ext8BITMIME, smtpContentTypeTextHTML, bodyText), bodyHTML); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to write text/html part: %w", err) } } if err = mwr.Close(); err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("failed to finalize the multipart content: %w", err) } if err = wc.Close(); err != nil { n.log.Debugf("Notifier SMTP client error while closing the WriteCloser: %v", err) return err } return nil } // Closes the connection properly. func (n *SMTPNotifier) cleanup() { if err := n.client.Quit(); err != nil { n.log.Warnf("Notifier SMTP client encountered error during cleanup: %v", err) } n.client = nil }