{ "Actions": "Actions", "Add": "Add", "Add Credential": "Add Credential", "Added": "Added {{when, datetime}}", "Are you sure you want to remove the WebAuthn credential from from your account": "Are you sure you want to remove the WebAuthn credential {{description}} from your account?", "Attestation Type": "Attestation Type", "Authenticator GUID": "Authenticator GUID", "Cancel": "Cancel", "Click to add a WebAuthn credential to your account": "Click to add a WebAuthn credential to your account", "Click to copy the": "Click to copy the", "Clone Warning": "Clone Warning", "Created": "Created", "Delete": "Delete", "Details": "Details", "Display extended information for this WebAuthn credential": "Display extended information for this WebAuthn credential", "Edit": "Edit", "Edit information for this WebAuthn credential": "Edit information for this WebAuthn credential", "Edit WebAuthn Credential": "Edit WebAuthn Credential", "Enabled": "Enabled", "Enter a new name for this WebAuthn credential": "Enter a new name for this WebAuthn credential:", "Enter a description for this credential": "Enter a description for this credential", "Extended WebAuthn credential information for security key": "Extended WebAuthn credential information for security key {{description}}", "Identifier": "Identifier", "Last Used": "Last Used {{when, datetime}}", "Manage your security keys": "Manage your security keys", "Name": "Name", "No": "No", "No Registered WebAuthn Credentials": "No Registered WebAuthn Credentials", "Overview": "Overview", "Provide the details for the new security key": "Provide the details for the new security key", "Register WebAuthn Credential": "Register WebAuthn Credential", "Relying Party ID": "Relying Party ID", "Remove": "Remove", "Remove this WebAuthn credential": "Remove this WebAuthn credential", "Remove WebAuthn Credential": "Remove WebAuthn Credential", "Settings": "Settings", "Successfully deleted the WebAuthn credential": "Successfully deleted the WebAuthn credential", "Successfully updated the WebAuthn credential": "Successfully updated the WebAuthn credential", "There was a problem deleting the WebAuthn credential": "There was a problem deleting the WebAuthn credential", "There was a problem updating the WebAuthn credential": "There was a problem updating the WebAuthn credential", "Transports": "Transports", "Two-Factor Authentication": "Two-Factor Authentication", "Usage Count": "Usage Count", "WebAuthn Credential Details": "WebAuthn Credential Details", "WebAuthn Credentials": "WebAuthn Credentials", "Yes": "Yes", "You must have a higher authentication level to delete WebAuthn credentials": "You must have a higher authentication level to delete WebAuthn credentials", "You must be elevated to delete WebAuthn credentials": "You must be elevated to delete WebAuthn credentials", "You must have a higher authentication level to update WebAuthn credentials": "You must have a higher authentication level to update WebAuthn credentials", "You must be elevated to update WebAuthn credentials": "You must be elevated to update WebAuthn credentials" }