James Elliott
feat(session): add redis sentinel provider ( #1768 )
* feat(session): add redis sentinel provider
* refactor(session): use int for ports as per go standards
* refactor(configuration): adjust tests and validation
* refactor(configuration): add err format consts
* refactor(configuration): explicitly map redis structs
* refactor(session): merge redis/redis sentinel providers
* refactor(session): add additional checks to redis providers
* feat(session): add redis cluster provider
* fix: update config for new values
* fix: provide nil certpool to affected tests/mocks
* test: add additional tests to cover uncovered code
* docs: expand explanation of host and nodes relation for redis
* ci: add redis-sentinel to suite highavailability, add redis-sentinel quorum
* fix(session): sentinel password
* test: use redis alpine library image for redis sentinel, use expose instead of ports, use redis ip, adjust redis ip range, adjust redis config
* test: make entrypoint.sh executable, fix entrypoint.sh if/elif
* test: add redis failover tests
* test: defer docker start, adjust sleep, attempt logout before login, attempt visit before login and tune timeouts, add additional logging
* test: add sentinel integration test
* test: add secondary node failure to tests, fix password usage, bump test timeout, add sleep
* feat: use sentinel failover cluster
* fix: renamed addrs to sentineladdrs upstream
* test(session): sentinel failover
* test: add redis standard back into testing
* test: move redis standalone test to traefik2
* fix/docs: apply suggestions from code review
2021-03-10 10:03:05 +11:00