* Check for pnpm in authelia-scripts
* Improve husky hooks to check for required apps
* Use pnpm in coverage dockerfile
* Use pnpm in dev workflow
* Stop buildx log truncation
* Ignore pnpm lockfile in yamllint
* Update versions required for docker and docker-compose in contributing docs
* ci: add husky with pre-commit and commit-msg hooks
This change includes two new hooks as part of our GitHub workflow with husky:
* `pre-commit`: Performs linting with golangci-lint and eslint/prettier
* `commit-msg`: Ensures that the commit messages conform to our guidelines and will error and provide context to a user when they do not.
The `prepare` command which has been included is executed each time a `yarn install` is executed.
* ci: extend @commitlint/config-conventional configuration
* fix: lint all dot js files