* refactor(web): use absolute imports with aliases
Refactors all of the TS/JS frontend to utilise absolute imports along with import aliases.
Each of the paths within `src` are represented with their own alias:
* @assets
* @components
* @constants (new)
* @hooks
* @layouts
* @models
* @services
* @themes
* @utils
* @views
`Routes.ts` and `constant.ts` have been relocated to the constants directory for consistency.
* [MISC] Catch OpenLDAP ppolicy error
Further to the discussion over at #361, this change now ensures that OpenLDAP password complexity errors are caught and appropriately handled.
This change also includes the PasswordComplexity test suite in the LDAP integration suite. This is because a ppolicy has been setup and enforced.
* Remove password history for integration tests
* Adjust max failures due to regulation trigger
* Fix error handling for password resets
* Refactor and include code suggestions