logFmtAuthorizationPrefix="Authorization Request with id '%s' on client with id '%s' "
logFmtErrConsentCantDetermineConsentMode=logFmtAuthorizationPrefix+"could not be processed: error occurred generating consent: client consent mode could not be reliably determined"
logFmtErrConsentParseChallengeID=logFmtConsentPrefix+"could not be processed: error occurred parsing the consent id (challenge) '%s': %+v"
logFmtErrConsentPreConfLookup=logFmtConsentPrefix+"had error looking up pre-configured consent sessions: %+v"
logFmtErrConsentPreConfRowsClose=logFmtConsentPrefix+"had error closing rows while looking up pre-configured consent sessions: %+v"
logFmtErrConsentZeroID=logFmtConsentPrefix+"could not be processed: the consent id had a zero value"
logFmtErrConsentCantGetSubject=logFmtConsentPrefix+"could not be processed: error occurred retrieving subject identifier for user '%s' and sector identifier '%s': %+v"
logFmtErrConsentGenerateError=logFmtConsentPrefix+"could not be processed: error occurred %s consent: %+v"
logFmtDbgConsentGenerate=logFmtConsentPrefix+"proceeding to generate a new consent session"
logFmtDbgConsentAuthenticationSufficiency=logFmtConsentPrefix+"authentication level '%s' is %s for client level '%s'"
logFmtDbgConsentRedirect=logFmtConsentPrefix+"is being redirected to '%s'"
logFmtDbgConsentPreConfSuccessfulLookup=logFmtConsentPrefix+"successfully looked up pre-configured consent with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s' and scopes '%s' with id '%d'"
logFmtDbgConsentPreConfUnsuccessfulLookup=logFmtConsentPrefix+"unsuccessfully looked up pre-configured consent with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s' and scopes '%s'"
logFmtDbgConsentPreConfTryingLookup=logFmtConsentPrefix+"attempting to discover pre-configurations with signature of client id '%s' and subject '%s' and scopes '%s'"
logFmtErrConsentWithIDCouldNotBeProcessed=logFmtConsentPrefix+"could not be processed: error occurred performing consent for consent session with id '%s': "
logFmtErrConsentLookupLoadingSession=logFmtErrConsentWithIDCouldNotBeProcessed+"error occurred while loading session: %+v"
logFmtErrConsentSessionSubjectNotAuthorized=logFmtErrConsentWithIDCouldNotBeProcessed+"user '%s' with subject '%s' is not authorized to consent for subject '%s'"
logFmtErrConsentCantGrant=logFmtErrConsentWithIDCouldNotBeProcessed+"the session does not appear to be valid for %s consent: either the subject is null, the consent has already been granted, or the consent session is a pre-configured session"
logFmtErrConsentCantGrantPreConf=logFmtErrConsentWithIDCouldNotBeProcessed+"the session does not appear to be valid for pre-configured consent: either the subject is null, the consent has been granted and is either not pre-configured, or the pre-configuration is expired"
logFmtErrConsentCantGrantRejected=logFmtErrConsentWithIDCouldNotBeProcessed+"the user explicitly rejected this consent session"