| [Conveyancing Preference] | indirect | Configurable: ask users to permit collection of the AAGUID, this is like a model number, this GUID will be stored in the SQL storage |
| [User Verification Requirement] | preferred | Configurable: ask the browser to prompt for the users PIN or other verification |
| [Resident Key Requirement] | discouraged | See the [passwordless login stage](#passwordless-login) |
| [Authenticator Attachment] | cross-platform | See the [platform authenticator stage](#platform-authenticator) |
| Multi-Device Registration | unavailable | see the [multi device registration stage](#multi-device-registration) |
### Multi Device Registration
Implement multi device registration as part of the user interface. This is technically implemented for the most part in
the backend, it's just the public facing interface elements remaining.
### Platform Authenticator
Implement [WebAuthn] Platform Authenticators so that people can use things like [Windows Hello], [TouchID], [FaceID],
or [Android Security Key]. This would also allow configuration of the [Authenticator Attachment] setting most likely,
or at least allow admins to configure which ones are available for registration.
### Passwordless Login
Implement the [WebAuthn] flow for [Passwordless Login]. This would also allow configuration of the
[Resident Key Requirement] setting most likely, or at least allow admins to configure which ones are available for