
127 lines
2.7 KiB

package day_08
import (
type Day struct{}
func (d *Day) Part1(in string) string {
inSplit := strings.Split(in, "\n")
// Initialize variables
instructions := inSplit[0]
line := 0
instructionCounter := 0
instructionRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`[ \(](?P<primary>\w+)[,\)]`)
steps := 0
// Build indexed map for better performance
instructionMap := make(map[string]int, 0)
for i, val := range inSplit {
if i > 1 && len(val) > 2 {
v := val[0:3]
instructionMap[v] = i
// Found start
if v == "AAA" {
line = i
// Find destination
for {
// Start by first instruction on end
if instructionCounter >= len(instructions) {
instructionCounter = 0
// Get left or right
instructionIndex := 0
if instructions[instructionCounter] == 'R' {
instructionIndex = 1
// Get the next instruction to move on
next := instructionRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(inSplit[line], -1)[instructionIndex]
line = instructionMap[next[1]]
//logger.Debug("Going to %q on line %d", next[1], line)
// Did we reach the end?
if strings.HasPrefix(next[1], "ZZZ") {
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", steps)
func (d *Day) Part2(in string) string {
inSplit := strings.Split(in, "\n")
// Initialize variables
instructions := inSplit[0]
starts := make([]int, 0)
stepsByStarts := make([]int, 0)
instructionRegex := regexp.MustCompile(`[ \(](?P<primary>\w+)[,\)]`)
// Build map for better performance
instructionMap := make(map[string]int, 0)
for i, val := range inSplit {
if i > 1 && len(val) > 2 {
v := val[0:3]
instructionMap[v] = i
// Found start
if v[2] == 'A' {
starts = append(starts, i)
// Find for each starting point the amount of steps that we need to go to the
// first 'Z'.
// The input data makes sure that the way back from a Z Node to another Z Node
// is always the same as from start to the first Z node.
// How would you find out without looping the first time!
for _, val := range starts {
steps := 0
line := val
instructionCounter := 0
for {
// Start by first instruction on end
if instructionCounter >= len(instructions) {
instructionCounter = 0
// Get left or right
instructionIndex := 0
if instructions[instructionCounter] == 'R' {
instructionIndex = 1
next := instructionRegex.FindAllStringSubmatch(inSplit[line], -1)[instructionIndex]
line = instructionMap[next[1]]
//logger.Debug("%d. Going to %q on line %d", i, next[1], line)
if next[1][2] == 'Z' {
stepsByStarts = append(stepsByStarts, steps)
return fmt.Sprintf("%d", utils.CalculateLCM(stepsByStarts...))