#pragma once #include #include #include #include "util/command.hpp" #include "util/sleeper_thread.hpp" namespace waybar::util { /** * Runs a child process and reads output from it, providing it to * the callbacks. */ class WorkerThread { public: WorkerThread() : pid_(-1) {} WorkerThread(const Json::Value& config, std::function output_callback, std::function exit_callback) : output_callback_(output_callback), exit_callback_(exit_callback), pid_(-1) { if (config["exec"].isString()) { exec_ = config["exec"].asString(); } if (config["exec_if"].isString()) { exec_if_ = config["exec_if"].asString(); } if (config["interval"].isUInt()) { interval_ = std::chrono::seconds(config["interval"].asUInt()); } else if (config["interval"] == "once") { interval_ = std::chrono::seconds(100000000); } else { interval_ = std::chrono::seconds(0); } if (config["restart-interval"].isUInt()) { restart_interval_ = std::chrono::seconds(config["restart-interval"].asUInt()); } if (interval_.count() > 0) { thread_ = [this] { delay_worker(); }; } else if (!exec_.empty()) { thread_ = [this] { continuous_worker(); }; } } ~WorkerThread() { if (pid_ != -1) { killpg(pid_, SIGTERM); pid_ = -1; } } auto wake_up() { return thread_.wake_up(); } private: void delay_worker() { bool can_update = true; if (!exec_if_.empty()) { util::command::res output = util::command::execNoRead(exec_if_); if (output.exit_code != 0) { can_update = false; exit_callback_(output.exit_code); } } if (can_update) { if (!exec_.empty()) { util::command::res output = util::command::exec(exec_); if (output.exit_code == 0) { output_callback_(std::move(output.out)); } else { exit_callback_(output.exit_code); } } } thread_.sleep_for(interval_); } void continuous_worker() { pid_ = -1; FILE* fp = util::command::open(exec_, pid_); if (!fp) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open " + exec_); } while (true) { char* buff = nullptr; size_t len = 0; if (getline(&buff, &len, fp) == -1) { int exit_code = 1; if (fp) { exit_code = WEXITSTATUS(util::command::close(fp, pid_)); fp = nullptr; } if (exit_code != 0) { spdlog::error("'{}' stopped unexpectedly, is it endless?", exec_); exit_callback_(exit_code); } if (restart_interval_.has_value()) { pid_ = -1; thread_.sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(*restart_interval_)); fp = util::command::open(exec_, pid_); if (!fp) { throw std::runtime_error("Unable to open " + exec_); } } else { thread_.stop(); return; } } else { std::string output = buff; // Remove last newline if (!output.empty() && output[output.length() - 1] == '\n') { output.erase(output.length() - 1); } output_callback_(std::move(output)); } } } std::string exec_; std::string exec_if_; std::chrono::seconds interval_; std::optional restart_interval_; std::function output_callback_; std::function exit_callback_; int pid_; SleeperThread thread_; }; } // namespace waybar::util