#include "bar.hpp" #include #include #include #include "client.hpp" #include "factory.hpp" #include "group.hpp" #ifdef HAVE_SWAY #include "modules/sway/bar.hpp" #endif namespace waybar { static constexpr const char* MIN_HEIGHT_MSG = "Requested height: {} is less than the minimum height: {} required by the modules"; static constexpr const char* MIN_WIDTH_MSG = "Requested width: {} is less than the minimum width: {} required by the modules"; static constexpr const char* BAR_SIZE_MSG = "Bar configured (width: {}, height: {}) for output: {}"; const Bar::bar_mode_map Bar::PRESET_MODES = { // {"default", {// Special mode to hold the global bar configuration .layer = bar_layer::BOTTOM, .exclusive = true, .passthrough = false, .visible = true}}, {"dock", {// Modes supported by the sway config; see man sway-bar(5) .layer = bar_layer::BOTTOM, .exclusive = true, .passthrough = false, .visible = true}}, {"hide", {// .layer = bar_layer::TOP, .exclusive = false, .passthrough = false, .visible = true}}, {"invisible", {// .layer = bar_layer::BOTTOM, .exclusive = false, .passthrough = true, .visible = false}}, {"overlay", {// .layer = bar_layer::TOP, .exclusive = false, .passthrough = true, .visible = true}}}; const std::string_view Bar::MODE_DEFAULT = "default"; const std::string_view Bar::MODE_INVISIBLE = "invisible"; const std::string_view DEFAULT_BAR_ID = "bar-0"; /* Deserializer for enum bar_layer */ void from_json(const Json::Value& j, bar_layer& l) { if (j == "bottom") { l = bar_layer::BOTTOM; } else if (j == "top") { l = bar_layer::TOP; } else if (j == "overlay") { l = bar_layer::OVERLAY; } } /* Deserializer for struct bar_mode */ void from_json(const Json::Value& j, bar_mode& m) { if (j.isObject()) { if (auto v = j["layer"]; v.isString()) { from_json(v, m.layer); } if (auto v = j["exclusive"]; v.isBool()) { m.exclusive = v.asBool(); } if (auto v = j["passthrough"]; v.isBool()) { m.passthrough = v.asBool(); } if (auto v = j["visible"]; v.isBool()) { m.visible = v.asBool(); } } } /* Deserializer for enum Gtk::PositionType */ void from_json(const Json::Value& j, Gtk::PositionType& pos) { if (j == "left") { pos = Gtk::POS_LEFT; } else if (j == "right") { pos = Gtk::POS_RIGHT; } else if (j == "top") { pos = Gtk::POS_TOP; } else if (j == "bottom") { pos = Gtk::POS_BOTTOM; } } Glib::ustring to_string(Gtk::PositionType pos) { switch (pos) { case Gtk::POS_LEFT: return "left"; case Gtk::POS_RIGHT: return "right"; case Gtk::POS_TOP: return "top"; case Gtk::POS_BOTTOM: return "bottom"; } } /* Deserializer for JSON Object -> map * Assumes that all the values in the object are deserializable to the same type. */ template ::value>> void from_json(const Json::Value& j, std::map& m) { if (j.isObject()) { for (auto it = j.begin(); it != j.end(); ++it) { from_json(*it, m[it.key().asString()]); } } } struct GLSSurfaceImpl : public BarSurface, public sigc::trackable { GLSSurfaceImpl(Gtk::Window& window, struct waybar_output& output) : window_{window} { output_name_ = output.name; // this has to be executed before GtkWindow.realize gtk_layer_init_for_window(window_.gobj()); gtk_layer_set_keyboard_interactivity(window.gobj(), FALSE); gtk_layer_set_monitor(window_.gobj(), output.monitor->gobj()); gtk_layer_set_namespace(window_.gobj(), "waybar"); window.signal_map_event().connect_notify(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GLSSurfaceImpl::onMap)); window.signal_configure_event().connect_notify( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &GLSSurfaceImpl::onConfigure)); } void setExclusiveZone(bool enable) override { if (enable) { gtk_layer_auto_exclusive_zone_enable(window_.gobj()); } else { gtk_layer_set_exclusive_zone(window_.gobj(), 0); } } void setMargins(const struct bar_margins& margins) override { gtk_layer_set_margin(window_.gobj(), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_LEFT, margins.left); gtk_layer_set_margin(window_.gobj(), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_RIGHT, margins.right); gtk_layer_set_margin(window_.gobj(), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_TOP, margins.top); gtk_layer_set_margin(window_.gobj(), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_BOTTOM, margins.bottom); } void setLayer(bar_layer value) override { auto layer = GTK_LAYER_SHELL_LAYER_BOTTOM; if (value == bar_layer::TOP) { layer = GTK_LAYER_SHELL_LAYER_TOP; } else if (value == bar_layer::OVERLAY) { layer = GTK_LAYER_SHELL_LAYER_OVERLAY; } gtk_layer_set_layer(window_.gobj(), layer); } void setPassThrough(bool enable) override { passthrough_ = enable; auto gdk_window = window_.get_window(); if (gdk_window) { Cairo::RefPtr region; if (enable) { region = Cairo::Region::create(); } gdk_window->input_shape_combine_region(region, 0, 0); } } void setPosition(Gtk::PositionType position) override { auto unanchored = GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_BOTTOM; orientation_ = Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; switch (position) { case Gtk::POS_LEFT: unanchored = GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_RIGHT; orientation_ = Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; break; case Gtk::POS_RIGHT: unanchored = GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_LEFT; orientation_ = Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; break; case Gtk::POS_TOP: unanchored = GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_BOTTOM; break; case Gtk::POS_BOTTOM: unanchored = GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_TOP; break; }; for (auto edge : {GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_LEFT, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_RIGHT, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_TOP, GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_BOTTOM}) { gtk_layer_set_anchor(window_.gobj(), edge, unanchored != edge); } // Disable anchoring for other edges too if the width // or the height has been set to a value other than 'auto' // otherwise the bar will use all space if (orientation_ == Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL && height_ > 1) { gtk_layer_set_anchor(window_.gobj(), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_BOTTOM, false); gtk_layer_set_anchor(window_.gobj(), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_TOP, false); } else if (orientation_ == Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL && width_ > 1) { gtk_layer_set_anchor(window_.gobj(), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_LEFT, false); gtk_layer_set_anchor(window_.gobj(), GTK_LAYER_SHELL_EDGE_RIGHT, false); } } void setSize(uint32_t width, uint32_t height) override { width_ = width; height_ = height; window_.set_size_request(width_, height_); }; private: Gtk::Window& window_; Gtk::Orientation orientation_ = Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; std::string output_name_; uint32_t width_; uint32_t height_; bool passthrough_ = false; void onMap(GdkEventAny* ev) { setPassThrough(passthrough_); } void onConfigure(GdkEventConfigure* ev) { /* * GTK wants new size for the window. * Actual resizing and management of the exclusve zone is handled within the gtk-layer-shell * code. This event handler only updates stored size of the window and prints some warnings. * * Note: forced resizing to a window smaller than required by GTK would not work with * gtk-layer-shell. */ if (orientation_ == Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL) { if (width_ > 1 && ev->width > static_cast(width_)) { spdlog::warn(MIN_WIDTH_MSG, width_, ev->width); } } else { if (height_ > 1 && ev->height > static_cast(height_)) { spdlog::warn(MIN_HEIGHT_MSG, height_, ev->height); } } width_ = ev->width; height_ = ev->height; spdlog::info(BAR_SIZE_MSG, width_, height_, output_name_); } }; }; // namespace waybar waybar::Bar::Bar(struct waybar_output* w_output, const Json::Value& w_config) : output(w_output), config(w_config), window{Gtk::WindowType::WINDOW_TOPLEVEL}, x_global(0), y_global(0), margins_{.top = 0, .right = 0, .bottom = 0, .left = 0}, left_(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0), center_(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0), right_(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0), box_(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) { window.set_title("waybar"); window.set_name("waybar"); window.set_decorated(false); window.get_style_context()->add_class(output->name); window.get_style_context()->add_class(config["name"].asString()); from_json(config["position"], position); orientation = (position == Gtk::POS_LEFT || position == Gtk::POS_RIGHT) ? Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL : Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL; window.get_style_context()->add_class(to_string(position)); left_ = Gtk::Box(orientation, 0); center_ = Gtk::Box(orientation, 0); right_ = Gtk::Box(orientation, 0); box_ = Gtk::Box(orientation, 0); left_.get_style_context()->add_class("modules-left"); center_.get_style_context()->add_class("modules-center"); right_.get_style_context()->add_class("modules-right"); if (config["spacing"].isInt()) { int spacing = config["spacing"].asInt(); left_.set_spacing(spacing); center_.set_spacing(spacing); right_.set_spacing(spacing); } uint32_t height = config["height"].isUInt() ? config["height"].asUInt() : 0; uint32_t width = config["width"].isUInt() ? config["width"].asUInt() : 0; if (config["margin-top"].isInt() || config["margin-right"].isInt() || config["margin-bottom"].isInt() || config["margin-left"].isInt()) { margins_ = { config["margin-top"].isInt() ? config["margin-top"].asInt() : 0, config["margin-right"].isInt() ? config["margin-right"].asInt() : 0, config["margin-bottom"].isInt() ? config["margin-bottom"].asInt() : 0, config["margin-left"].isInt() ? config["margin-left"].asInt() : 0, }; } else if (config["margin"].isString()) { std::istringstream iss(config["margin"].asString()); std::vector margins{std::istream_iterator(iss), {}}; try { if (margins.size() == 1) { auto gaps = std::stoi(margins[0], nullptr, 10); margins_ = {.top = gaps, .right = gaps, .bottom = gaps, .left = gaps}; } if (margins.size() == 2) { auto vertical_margins = std::stoi(margins[0], nullptr, 10); auto horizontal_margins = std::stoi(margins[1], nullptr, 10); margins_ = {.top = vertical_margins, .right = horizontal_margins, .bottom = vertical_margins, .left = horizontal_margins}; } if (margins.size() == 3) { auto horizontal_margins = std::stoi(margins[1], nullptr, 10); margins_ = {.top = std::stoi(margins[0], nullptr, 10), .right = horizontal_margins, .bottom = std::stoi(margins[2], nullptr, 10), .left = horizontal_margins}; } if (margins.size() == 4) { margins_ = {.top = std::stoi(margins[0], nullptr, 10), .right = std::stoi(margins[1], nullptr, 10), .bottom = std::stoi(margins[2], nullptr, 10), .left = std::stoi(margins[3], nullptr, 10)}; } } catch (...) { spdlog::warn("Invalid margins: {}", config["margin"].asString()); } } else if (config["margin"].isInt()) { auto gaps = config["margin"].asInt(); margins_ = {.top = gaps, .right = gaps, .bottom = gaps, .left = gaps}; } window.signal_configure_event().connect_notify(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Bar::onConfigure)); output->monitor->property_geometry().signal_changed().connect( sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Bar::onOutputGeometryChanged)); surface_impl_ = std::make_unique(window, *output); surface_impl_->setMargins(margins_); surface_impl_->setSize(width, height); // Position needs to be set after calculating the height due to the // GTK layer shell anchors logic relying on the dimensions of the bar. surface_impl_->setPosition(position); /* Read custom modes if available */ if (auto modes = config.get("modes", {}); modes.isObject()) { from_json(modes, configured_modes); } /* Update "default" mode with the global bar options */ from_json(config, configured_modes[MODE_DEFAULT]); if (auto mode = config.get("mode", {}); mode.isString()) { setMode(config["mode"].asString()); } else { setMode(MODE_DEFAULT); } if (config["start_hidden"].asBool()) { setVisible(false); } window.signal_map_event().connect_notify(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Bar::onMap)); #if HAVE_SWAY if (auto ipc = config["ipc"]; ipc.isBool() && ipc.asBool()) { bar_id = Client::inst()->bar_id; if (auto id = config["id"]; id.isString()) { bar_id = id.asString(); } if (bar_id.empty()) { bar_id = DEFAULT_BAR_ID; } try { _ipc_client = std::make_unique(*this); } catch (const std::exception& exc) { spdlog::warn("Failed to open bar ipc connection: {}", exc.what()); } } #endif setupWidgets(); window.show_all(); if (spdlog::should_log(spdlog::level::debug)) { // Unfortunately, this function isn't in the C++ bindings, so we have to call the C version. char* gtk_tree = gtk_style_context_to_string( window.get_style_context()->gobj(), (GtkStyleContextPrintFlags)(GTK_STYLE_CONTEXT_PRINT_RECURSE | GTK_STYLE_CONTEXT_PRINT_SHOW_STYLE)); spdlog::debug("GTK widget tree:\n{}", gtk_tree); g_free(gtk_tree); } } /* Need to define it here because of forward declared members */ waybar::Bar::~Bar() = default; void waybar::Bar::setMode(const std::string_view& mode) { using namespace std::literals::string_literals; auto style = window.get_style_context(); /* remove styles added by previous setMode calls */ style->remove_class("mode-"s + last_mode_); auto it = configured_modes.find(mode); if (it != configured_modes.end()) { last_mode_ = mode; style->add_class("mode-"s + last_mode_); setMode(it->second); } else { spdlog::warn("Unknown mode \"{}\" requested", mode); last_mode_ = MODE_DEFAULT; style->add_class("mode-"s + last_mode_); setMode(configured_modes.at(MODE_DEFAULT)); } } void waybar::Bar::setMode(const struct bar_mode& mode) { surface_impl_->setLayer(mode.layer); surface_impl_->setExclusiveZone(mode.exclusive); surface_impl_->setPassThrough(mode.passthrough); if (mode.visible) { window.get_style_context()->remove_class("hidden"); window.set_opacity(1); } else { window.get_style_context()->add_class("hidden"); window.set_opacity(0); } surface_impl_->commit(); } void waybar::Bar::onMap(GdkEventAny*) { /* * Obtain a pointer to the custom layer surface for modules that require it (idle_inhibitor). */ auto gdk_window = window.get_window()->gobj(); surface = gdk_wayland_window_get_wl_surface(gdk_window); configureGlobalOffset(gdk_window_get_width(gdk_window), gdk_window_get_height(gdk_window)); } void waybar::Bar::setVisible(bool value) { visible = value; if (auto mode = config.get("mode", {}); mode.isString()) { setMode(visible ? config["mode"].asString() : MODE_INVISIBLE); } else { setMode(visible ? MODE_DEFAULT : MODE_INVISIBLE); } } void waybar::Bar::toggle() { setVisible(!visible); } // Converting string to button code rn as to avoid doing it later void waybar::Bar::setupAltFormatKeyForModule(const std::string& module_name) { if (config.isMember(module_name)) { Json::Value& module = config[module_name]; if (module.isMember("format-alt")) { if (module.isMember("format-alt-click")) { Json::Value& click = module["format-alt-click"]; if (click.isString()) { if (click == "click-right") { module["format-alt-click"] = 3U; } else if (click == "click-middle") { module["format-alt-click"] = 2U; } else if (click == "click-backward") { module["format-alt-click"] = 8U; } else if (click == "click-forward") { module["format-alt-click"] = 9U; } else { module["format-alt-click"] = 1U; // default click-left } } else { module["format-alt-click"] = 1U; } } else { module["format-alt-click"] = 1U; } } } } void waybar::Bar::setupAltFormatKeyForModuleList(const char* module_list_name) { if (config.isMember(module_list_name)) { Json::Value& modules = config[module_list_name]; for (const Json::Value& module_name : modules) { if (module_name.isString()) { setupAltFormatKeyForModule(module_name.asString()); } } } } void waybar::Bar::handleSignal(int signal) { for (auto& module : modules_all_) { module->refresh(signal); } } void waybar::Bar::getModules(const Factory& factory, const std::string& pos, waybar::Group* group = nullptr) { auto module_list = group ? config[pos]["modules"] : config[pos]; if (module_list.isArray()) { for (const auto& name : module_list) { try { auto ref = name.asString(); AModule* module; if (ref.compare(0, 6, "group/") == 0 && ref.size() > 6) { auto hash_pos = ref.find('#'); auto id_name = ref.substr(6, hash_pos - 6); auto class_name = hash_pos != std::string::npos ? ref.substr(hash_pos + 1) : ""; auto vertical = (group ? group->getBox().get_orientation() : box_.get_orientation()) == Gtk::ORIENTATION_VERTICAL; auto group_module = new waybar::Group(id_name, class_name, config[ref], vertical); getModules(factory, ref, group_module); module = group_module; } else { module = factory.makeModule(ref, pos); } std::shared_ptr module_sp(module); modules_all_.emplace_back(module_sp); if (group) { group->addWidget(*module); } else { if (pos == "modules-left") { modules_left_.emplace_back(module_sp); } if (pos == "modules-center") { modules_center_.emplace_back(module_sp); } if (pos == "modules-right") { modules_right_.emplace_back(module_sp); } } module->dp.connect([module, ref] { try { module->update(); } catch (const std::exception& e) { spdlog::error("{}: {}", ref, e.what()); } }); } catch (const std::exception& e) { spdlog::warn("module {}: {}", name.asString(), e.what()); } } } } auto waybar::Bar::setupWidgets() -> void { window.add(box_); box_.pack_start(left_, false, false); if (config["fixed-center"].isBool() ? config["fixed-center"].asBool() : true) { box_.set_center_widget(center_); } else { box_.pack_start(center_, true, false); } box_.pack_end(right_, false, false); // Convert to button code for every module that is used. setupAltFormatKeyForModuleList("modules-left"); setupAltFormatKeyForModuleList("modules-right"); setupAltFormatKeyForModuleList("modules-center"); Factory factory(*this, config); getModules(factory, "modules-left"); getModules(factory, "modules-center"); getModules(factory, "modules-right"); for (auto const& module : modules_left_) { left_.pack_start(*module, false, false); } for (auto const& module : modules_center_) { center_.pack_start(*module, false, false); } std::reverse(modules_right_.begin(), modules_right_.end()); for (auto const& module : modules_right_) { right_.pack_end(*module, false, false); } } void waybar::Bar::onConfigure(GdkEventConfigure* ev) { configureGlobalOffset(ev->width, ev->height); } void waybar::Bar::configureGlobalOffset(int width, int height) { auto monitor_geometry = *output->monitor->property_geometry().get_value().gobj(); int x; int y; switch (position) { case Gtk::POS_BOTTOM: if (width + margins_.left + margins_.right >= monitor_geometry.width) x = margins_.left; else x = (monitor_geometry.width - width) / 2; y = monitor_geometry.height - height - margins_.bottom; break; case Gtk::POS_LEFT: x = margins_.left; if (height + margins_.top + margins_.bottom >= monitor_geometry.height) y = margins_.top; else y = (monitor_geometry.height - height) / 2; break; case Gtk::POS_RIGHT: x = monitor_geometry.width - width - margins_.right; if (height + margins_.top + margins_.bottom >= monitor_geometry.height) y = margins_.top; else y = (monitor_geometry.height - height) / 2; break; case Gtk::POS_TOP: // position is top if (width + margins_.left + margins_.right >= monitor_geometry.width) x = margins_.left; else x = (monitor_geometry.width - width) / 2; y = margins_.top; break; } x_global = x + monitor_geometry.x; y_global = y + monitor_geometry.y; } void waybar::Bar::onOutputGeometryChanged() { configureGlobalOffset(window.get_width(), window.get_height()); }