Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
@ -0,0 +1 @@
use flake
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ jobs:
# - for lack of VirtualBox on MacOS 11 runners
runs-on: macos-12
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Test in FreeBSD VM
uses: vmactions/freebsd-vm@v0
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: DoozyX/clang-format-lint-action@v0.13
source: '.'
@ -13,16 +13,20 @@ jobs:
- fedora
- opensuse
- gentoo
cpp_std: [c++17]
- distro: fedora
cpp_std: c++20
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
image: alexays/waybar:${{ matrix.distro }}
- uses: actions/checkout@v2
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: configure
run: meson -Dman-pages=enabled build
run: meson -Dman-pages=enabled -Dcpp_std=${{matrix.cpp_std}} build
- name: build
run: ninja -C build
- name: test
run: meson test -C build --no-rebuild --print-errorlogs --suite waybar
run: meson test -C build --no-rebuild --verbose --suite waybar
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
@ -41,3 +43,4 @@ packagecache
@ -2,4 +2,4 @@
FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk add --no-cache git meson alpine-sdk libinput-dev wayland-dev wayland-protocols mesa-dev libxkbcommon-dev eudev-dev pixman-dev gtkmm3-dev jsoncpp-dev pugixml-dev libnl3-dev pulseaudio-dev libmpdclient-dev sndio-dev scdoc libxkbcommon tzdata
RUN apk add --no-cache git meson alpine-sdk libinput-dev wayland-dev wayland-protocols mesa-dev libxkbcommon-dev eudev-dev pixman-dev gtkmm3-dev jsoncpp-dev pugixml-dev libnl3-dev pulseaudio-dev libmpdclient-dev sndio-dev scdoc libxkbcommon tzdata playerctl-dev
@ -3,4 +3,5 @@
FROM archlinux:base-devel
RUN pacman -Syu --noconfirm && \
pacman -S git meson base-devel libinput wayland wayland-protocols pixman libxkbcommon mesa gtkmm3 jsoncpp pugixml scdoc libpulse libdbusmenu-gtk3 libmpdclient gobject-introspection --noconfirm libxkbcommon
pacman -S --noconfirm git meson base-devel libinput wayland wayland-protocols pixman libxkbcommon mesa gtkmm3 jsoncpp pugixml scdoc libpulse libdbusmenu-gtk3 libmpdclient gobject-introspection libxkbcommon playerctl && \
sed -Ei 's/#(en_(US|GB)\.UTF)/\1/' /etc/locale.gen && locale-gen
@ -3,5 +3,5 @@
FROM debian:sid
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y build-essential meson ninja-build git pkg-config libinput10 libpugixml-dev libinput-dev wayland-protocols libwayland-client0 libwayland-cursor0 libwayland-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libgbm-dev libxkbcommon-dev libudev-dev libpixman-1-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev libjsoncpp-dev scdoc libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libpulse-dev libmpdclient-dev gobject-introspection libgirepository1.0-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbregistry-dev libxkbregistry0 && \
apt-get install -y build-essential meson ninja-build git pkg-config libinput10 libpugixml-dev libinput-dev wayland-protocols libwayland-client0 libwayland-cursor0 libwayland-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles2-mesa-dev libgbm-dev libxkbcommon-dev libudev-dev libpixman-1-dev libgtkmm-3.0-dev libjsoncpp-dev scdoc libdbusmenu-gtk3-dev libnl-3-dev libnl-genl-3-dev libpulse-dev libmpdclient-dev gobject-introspection libgirepository1.0-dev libxkbcommon-dev libxkbregistry-dev libxkbregistry0 libplayerctl-dev && \
apt-get clean
@ -2,11 +2,33 @@
FROM fedora:latest
RUN dnf install -y @c-development git-core meson scdoc 'pkgconfig(date)' \
'pkgconfig(dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4)' 'pkgconfig(fmt)' 'pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)' \
'pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)' 'pkgconfig(gtk-layer-shell-0)' 'pkgconfig(gtkmm-3.0)' \
'pkgconfig(jsoncpp)' 'pkgconfig(libinput)' 'pkgconfig(libmpdclient)' \
'pkgconfig(libnl-3.0)' 'pkgconfig(libnl-genl-3.0)' 'pkgconfig(libpulse)' \
'pkgconfig(libudev)' 'pkgconfig(pugixml)' 'pkgconfig(sigc++-2.0)' 'pkgconfig(spdlog)' \
'pkgconfig(wayland-client)' 'pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)' 'pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)' 'pkgconfig(xkbregistry)' && \
RUN dnf install -y @c-development \
git-core glibc-langpack-en meson scdoc \
'pkgconfig(catch2)' \
'pkgconfig(date)' \
'pkgconfig(dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4)' \
'pkgconfig(fmt)' \
'pkgconfig(gdk-pixbuf-2.0)' \
'pkgconfig(gio-unix-2.0)' \
'pkgconfig(gtk-layer-shell-0)' \
'pkgconfig(gtkmm-3.0)' \
'pkgconfig(jack)' \
'pkgconfig(jsoncpp)' \
'pkgconfig(libevdev)' \
'pkgconfig(libinput)' \
'pkgconfig(libmpdclient)' \
'pkgconfig(libnl-3.0)' \
'pkgconfig(libnl-genl-3.0)' \
'pkgconfig(libpulse)' \
'pkgconfig(libudev)' \
'pkgconfig(playerctl)' \
'pkgconfig(pugixml)' \
'pkgconfig(sigc++-2.0)' \
'pkgconfig(spdlog)' \
'pkgconfig(upower-glib)' \
'pkgconfig(wayland-client)' \
'pkgconfig(wayland-cursor)' \
'pkgconfig(wayland-protocols)' \
'pkgconfig(wireplumber-0.4)' \
'pkgconfig(xkbregistry)' && \
dnf clean all -y
@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ RUN export FEATURES="-ipc-sandbox -network-sandbox -pid-sandbox -sandbox -usersa
emerge --verbose --update --deep --with-bdeps=y --backtrack=30 --newuse @world && \
USE="wayland gtk3 gtk -doc X" emerge dev-vcs/git dev-libs/wayland dev-libs/wayland-protocols =dev-cpp/gtkmm-3.24.6 x11-libs/libxkbcommon \
x11-libs/gtk+:3 dev-libs/libdbusmenu dev-libs/libnl sys-power/upower media-libs/libpulse dev-libs/libevdev media-libs/libmpdclient \
media-sound/sndio gui-libs/gtk-layer-shell app-text/scdoc
media-sound/sndio gui-libs/gtk-layer-shell app-text/scdoc media-sound/playerctl
@ -6,4 +6,4 @@ RUN zypper -n up && \
zypper addrepo | echo 'a' && \
zypper -n refresh && \
zypper -n install -t pattern devel_C_C++ && \
zypper -n install git meson clang libinput10 libinput-devel pugixml-devel libwayland-client0 libwayland-cursor0 wayland-protocols-devel wayland-devel Mesa-libEGL-devel Mesa-libGLESv2-devel libgbm-devel libxkbcommon-devel libudev-devel libpixman-1-0-devel gtkmm3-devel jsoncpp-devel libxkbregistry-devel scdoc
zypper -n install git meson clang libinput10 libinput-devel pugixml-devel libwayland-client0 libwayland-cursor0 wayland-protocols-devel wayland-devel Mesa-libEGL-devel Mesa-libGLESv2-devel libgbm-devel libxkbcommon-devel libudev-devel libpixman-1-0-devel gtkmm3-devel jsoncpp-devel libxkbregistry-devel scdoc playerctl-devel
@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
"nodes": {
"devshell": {
"inputs": {
"flake-utils": "flake-utils",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs"
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1667210711,
"narHash": "sha256-IoErjXZAkzYWHEpQqwu/DeRNJGFdR7X2OGbkhMqMrpw=",
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "devshell",
"rev": "96a9dd12b8a447840cc246e17a47b81a4268bba7",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "devshell",
"type": "github"
"flake-utils": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1642700792,
"narHash": "sha256-XqHrk7hFb+zBvRg6Ghl+AZDq03ov6OshJLiSWOoX5es=",
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"rev": "846b2ae0fc4cc943637d3d1def4454213e203cba",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"type": "github"
"flake-utils_2": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1667395993,
"narHash": "sha256-nuEHfE/LcWyuSWnS8t12N1wc105Qtau+/OdUAjtQ0rA=",
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"rev": "5aed5285a952e0b949eb3ba02c12fa4fcfef535f",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "numtide",
"repo": "flake-utils",
"type": "github"
"nixpkgs": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1643381941,
"narHash": "sha256-pHTwvnN4tTsEKkWlXQ8JMY423epos8wUOhthpwJjtpc=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "5efc8ca954272c4376ac929f4c5ffefcc20551d5",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "nixpkgs-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"nixpkgs_2": {
"locked": {
"lastModified": 1670152712,
"narHash": "sha256-LJttwIvJqsZIj8u1LxVRv82vwUtkzVqQVi7Wb8gxPS4=",
"owner": "NixOS",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"rev": "14ddeaebcbe9a25748221d1d7ecdf98e20e2325e",
"type": "github"
"original": {
"owner": "NixOS",
"ref": "nixos-unstable",
"repo": "nixpkgs",
"type": "github"
"root": {
"inputs": {
"devshell": "devshell",
"flake-utils": "flake-utils_2",
"nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_2"
"root": "root",
"version": 7
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
description = "Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors.";
inputs = {
nixpkgs.url = "github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
devshell.url = "github:numtide/devshell";
flake-utils.url = "github:numtide/flake-utils";
outputs = { self, flake-utils, devshell, nixpkgs }:
inherit (nixpkgs) lib;
genSystems = lib.genAttrs [
pkgsFor = genSystems (system:
import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
mkDate = longDate: (lib.concatStringsSep "-" [
(builtins.substring 0 4 longDate)
(builtins.substring 4 2 longDate)
(builtins.substring 6 2 longDate)
overlays.default = _: prev: rec {
waybar = prev.callPackage ./nix/default.nix {
version = "0.9.16" + "+date=" + (mkDate (self.lastModifiedDate or "19700101")) + "_" + (self.shortRev or "dirty");
packages = genSystems
(self.overlays.default null pkgsFor.${system})
// {
default = self.packages.${system}.waybar;
} //
flake-utils.lib.eachDefaultSystem (system: {
devShell =
let pkgs = import nixpkgs {
inherit system;
overlays = [ devshell.overlay ];
pkgs.devshell.mkShell {
imports = [ "${pkgs.devshell.extraModulesDir}/language/c.nix" ];
commands = [
package = pkgs.devshell.cli;
help = "Per project developer environments";
devshell.packages = with pkgs; [
language.c.libraries = with pkgs; [
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ class AModule : public IModule {
bool enable_scroll = false);
virtual ~AModule();
virtual auto update() -> void;
virtual auto refresh(int) -> void{};
virtual operator Gtk::Widget &();
Glib::Dispatcher dp;
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#pragma once
#include <json/json.h>
#include "modules/clock.hpp"
#include "modules/simpleclock.hpp"
@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
#include "modules/hyprland/backend.hpp"
#include "modules/hyprland/language.hpp"
#include "modules/hyprland/submap.hpp"
#include "modules/hyprland/window.hpp"
#if defined(__FreeBSD__) || (defined(__linux__) && !defined(NO_FILESYSTEM))
@ -41,6 +42,9 @@
#include "modules/sni/tray.hpp"
#include "modules/mpris/mpris.hpp"
#include "modules/network.hpp"
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include <vector>
#include "ALabel.hpp"
#include "giomm/dbusproxy.h"
#include "util/json.hpp"
#include "util/sleeper_thread.hpp"
@ -50,6 +51,8 @@ class Backlight : public ALabel {
template <class ForwardIt, class Inserter>
static void enumerate_devices(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt last, Inserter inserter, udev *udev);
bool handleScroll(GdkEventScroll *e);
const std::string preferred_device_;
static constexpr int EPOLL_MAX_EVENTS = 16;
@ -60,5 +63,7 @@ class Backlight : public ALabel {
std::vector<BacklightDev> devices_;
// thread must destruct before shared data
util::SleeperThread udev_thread_;
Glib::RefPtr<Gio::DBus::Proxy> login_proxy_;
} // namespace waybar::modules
@ -1,19 +1,22 @@
#pragma once
#include <date/tz.h>
#include "ALabel.hpp"
#include "util/date.hpp"
#include "util/sleeper_thread.hpp"
namespace waybar {
struct waybar_time;
namespace modules {
namespace waybar::modules {
const std::string kCalendarPlaceholder = "calendar";
const std::string KTimezonedTimeListPlaceholder = "timezoned_time_list";
enum class WeeksSide {
enum class CldMode { MONTH, YEAR };
class Clock : public ALabel {
Clock(const std::string&, const Json::Value&);
@ -22,23 +25,37 @@ class Clock : public ALabel {
util::SleeperThread thread_;
std::map<std::pair<uint, GdkEventType>, void (waybar::modules::Clock::*)()> eventMap_;
std::locale locale_;
std::vector<const date::time_zone*> time_zones_;
int current_time_zone_idx_;
date::year_month_day calendar_cached_ymd_{date::January / 1 / 0};
date::months calendar_shift_{0}, calendar_shift_init_{0};
std::string calendar_cached_text_;
bool is_calendar_in_tooltip_;
bool is_timezoned_list_in_tooltip_;
bool handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e);
bool handleToggle(GdkEventButton* const& e);
auto calendar_text(const waybar_time& wtime) -> std::string;
auto weekdays_header(const date::weekday& first_dow, std::ostream& os) -> void;
auto first_day_of_week() -> date::weekday;
const date::time_zone* current_timezone();
bool is_timezone_fixed();
auto timezones_text(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point* now) -> std::string;
/*Calendar properties*/
WeeksSide cldWPos_{WeeksSide::HIDDEN};
std::map<int, std::string const> fmtMap_;
CldMode cldMode_{CldMode::MONTH};
uint cldMonCols_{3}; // Count of the month in the row
int cldMonColLen_{20}; // Length of the month column
int cldWnLen_{3}; // Length of the week number
date::year_month_day cldYearShift_;
date::year_month cldMonShift_;
date::months cldCurrShift_{0};
date::months cldShift_{0};
std::string cldYearCached_{};
std::string cldMonCached_{};
/*Calendar functions*/
auto get_calendar(const date::zoned_seconds& now, const date::zoned_seconds& wtime)
-> std::string;
void cldModeSwitch();
} // namespace modules
} // namespace waybar
} // namespace waybar::modules
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include "ALabel.hpp"
#include "bar.hpp"
#include "modules/hyprland/backend.hpp"
#include "util/json.hpp"
namespace waybar::modules::hyprland {
class Submap : public waybar::ALabel, public EventHandler {
Submap(const std::string&, const waybar::Bar&, const Json::Value&);
auto update() -> void;
void onEvent(const std::string&);
std::mutex mutex_;
const Bar& bar_;
util::JsonParser parser_;
std::string submap_;
} // namespace waybar::modules::hyprland
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
#include <string>
#include "ALabel.hpp"
#include "gtkmm/box.h"
#include "util/command.hpp"
#include "util/json.hpp"
#include "util/sleeper_thread.hpp"
@ -15,7 +16,7 @@ namespace waybar::modules {
class Image : public AModule {
Image(const std::string&, const std::string&, const Json::Value&);
Image(const std::string&, const Json::Value&);
auto update() -> void;
void refresh(int /*signal*/);
@ -23,6 +24,7 @@ class Image : public AModule {
void delayWorker();
void handleEvent();
Gtk::Box box_;
Gtk::Image image_;
std::string path_;
int size_;
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include "gtkmm/box.h"
#include "gtkmm/label.h"
extern "C" {
#include <playerctl/playerctl.h>
#include "ALabel.hpp"
#include "util/sleeper_thread.hpp"
namespace waybar::modules::mpris {
class Mpris : public AModule {
Mpris(const std::string&, const Json::Value&);
auto update() -> void;
bool handleToggle(GdkEventButton* const&);
static auto onPlayerNameAppeared(PlayerctlPlayerManager*, PlayerctlPlayerName*, gpointer) -> void;
static auto onPlayerNameVanished(PlayerctlPlayerManager*, PlayerctlPlayerName*, gpointer) -> void;
static auto onPlayerPlay(PlayerctlPlayer*, gpointer) -> void;
static auto onPlayerPause(PlayerctlPlayer*, gpointer) -> void;
static auto onPlayerStop(PlayerctlPlayer*, gpointer) -> void;
static auto onPlayerMetadata(PlayerctlPlayer*, GVariant*, gpointer) -> void;
struct PlayerInfo {
std::string name;
PlayerctlPlaybackStatus status;
std::string status_string;
std::optional<std::string> artist;
std::optional<std::string> album;
std::optional<std::string> title;
std::optional<std::string> length; // as HH:MM:SS
auto getPlayerInfo() -> std::optional<PlayerInfo>;
auto getIcon(const Json::Value&, const std::string&) -> std::string;
Gtk::Box box_;
Gtk::Label label_;
// config
std::string format_;
std::string format_playing_;
std::string format_paused_;
std::string format_stopped_;
std::chrono::seconds interval_;
std::string player_;
std::vector<std::string> ignored_players_;
PlayerctlPlayerManager* manager;
PlayerctlPlayer* player;
std::string lastStatus;
std::string lastPlayer;
util::SleeperThread thread_;
} // namespace waybar::modules::mpris
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <cstring>
#include <memory>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include "ipc.hpp"
#include "util/sleeper_thread.hpp"
@ -19,10 +19,11 @@ class Window : public AIconLabel, public sigc::trackable {
auto update() -> void;
void setClass(std::string classname, bool enable);
void onEvent(const struct Ipc::ipc_response&);
void onCmd(const struct Ipc::ipc_response&);
std::tuple<std::size_t, int, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string> getFocusedNode(
const Json::Value& nodes, std::string& output);
std::tuple<std::size_t, int, int, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string>
getFocusedNode(const Json::Value& nodes, std::string& output);
void getTree();
void updateAppIconName();
void updateAppIcon();
@ -32,12 +33,14 @@ class Window : public AIconLabel, public sigc::trackable {
int windowId_;
std::string app_id_;
std::string app_class_;
std::string layout_;
std::string old_app_id_;
std::size_t app_nb_;
std::string shell_;
unsigned app_icon_size_{24};
bool update_app_icon_{true};
std::string app_icon_name_;
int floating_count_;
util::JsonParser parser_;
std::mutex mutex_;
Ipc ipc_;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
#include <gtkmm/button.h>
#include <gtkmm/label.h>
#include <string_view>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "AModule.hpp"
@ -21,7 +22,9 @@ class Workspaces : public AModule, public sigc::trackable {
auto update() -> void;
static inline const std::string workspace_switch_cmd_ = "workspace {} \"{}\"";
static constexpr std::string_view workspace_switch_cmd_ = "workspace {} \"{}\"";
static constexpr std::string_view persistent_workspace_switch_cmd_ =
R"(workspace {} "{}"; move workspace to output "{}"; workspace {} "{}")";
static int convertWorkspaceNameToNum(std::string name);
@ -20,15 +20,19 @@ class Wireplumber : public ALabel {
void loadRequiredApiModules();
void prepare();
void activatePlugins();
static void updateVolume(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self);
static void updateNodeName(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self);
static uint32_t getDefaultNodeId(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self);
static void updateVolume(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self, uint32_t id);
static void updateNodeName(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self, uint32_t id);
static void onPluginActivated(WpObject* p, GAsyncResult* res, waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self);
static void onObjectManagerInstalled(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self);
static void onMixerChanged(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self, uint32_t id);
static void onDefaultNodesApiChanged(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self);
WpCore* wp_core_;
GPtrArray* apis_;
WpObjectManager* om_;
WpPlugin* mixer_api_;
WpPlugin* def_nodes_api_;
gchar* default_node_name_;
uint32_t pending_plugins_;
bool muted_;
double volume_;
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
#pragma once
#include <fmt/format.h>
#include <chrono>
#include <format>
/* Compatibility layer for <date/tz.h> on top of C++20 <chrono> */
namespace date {
using namespace std::chrono;
namespace literals {
using std::chrono::last;
inline auto format(const std::string& spec, const auto& ztime) {
return spec.empty() ? "" : std::vformat("{:L" + spec + "}", std::make_format_args(ztime));
inline auto format(const std::locale& loc, const std::string& spec, const auto& ztime) {
return spec.empty() ? "" : std::vformat(loc, "{:L" + spec + "}", std::make_format_args(ztime));
} // namespace date
#include <date/tz.h>
template <typename Duration, typename TimeZonePtr>
struct fmt::formatter<date::zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>> {
std::string_view specs;
template <typename ParseContext>
constexpr auto parse(ParseContext& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) {
auto it = ctx.begin();
if (it != ctx.end() && *it == ':') {
auto end = it;
while (end != ctx.end() && *end != '}') {
if (end != it) {
specs = {it, std::string_view::size_type(end - it)};
return end;
template <typename FormatContext>
auto format(const date::zoned_time<Duration, TimeZonePtr>& ztime, FormatContext& ctx) {
if (ctx.locale()) {
const auto loc = ctx.locale().template get<std::locale>();
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", date::format(loc, fmt::to_string(specs), ztime));
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", date::format(fmt::to_string(specs), ztime));
@ -66,9 +66,9 @@ struct formatter<pow_format> {
std::string string;
switch (spec) {
case '>':
return format_to(ctx.out(), "{:>{}}", fmt::format("{}", s), max_width);
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{:>{}}", fmt::format("{}", s), max_width);
case '<':
return format_to(ctx.out(), "{:<{}}", fmt::format("{}", s), max_width);
return fmt::format_to(ctx.out(), "{:<{}}", fmt::format("{}", s), max_width);
case '=':
format = "{coefficient:<{number_width}.1f}{padding}{prefix}{unit}";
@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ struct formatter<pow_format> {
format = "{coefficient:.1f}{prefix}{unit}";
return format_to(
ctx.out(), format, fmt::arg("coefficient", fraction),
return fmt::format_to(
ctx.out(), fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("coefficient", fraction),
fmt::arg("number_width", number_width),
fmt::arg("prefix", std::string() + units[pow] + ((s.binary_ && pow) ? "i" : "")),
fmt::arg("unit", s.unit_),
@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
#pragma once
#include <date/tz.h>
#include <fmt/format.h>
namespace waybar {
struct waybar_time {
std::locale locale;
date::zoned_seconds ztime;
} // namespace waybar
template <>
struct fmt::formatter<waybar::waybar_time> {
std::string_view specs;
template <typename ParseContext>
constexpr auto parse(ParseContext& ctx) -> decltype(ctx.begin()) {
auto it = ctx.begin();
if (it != ctx.end() && *it == ':') {
auto end = it;
while (end != ctx.end() && *end != '}') {
if (end != it) {
specs = {it, std::string_view::size_type(end - it)};
return end;
template <typename FormatContext>
auto format(const waybar::waybar_time& t, FormatContext& ctx) {
return format_to(ctx.out(), "{}", date::format(t.locale, fmt::to_string(specs), t.ztime));
@ -58,16 +58,25 @@ The *backlight* module displays the current backlight level.
*on-scroll-up*: ++
typeof: string ++
Command to execute when performing a scroll up on the module.
Command to execute when performing a scroll up on the module. This replaces the default behaviour of brightness control.
*on-scroll-down*: ++
typeof: string
Command to execute when performing a scroll down on the module.
Command to execute when performing a scroll down on the module. This replaces the default behaviour of brightness control.
*smooth-scrolling-threshold*: ++
typeof: double
Threshold to be used when scrolling.
*reverse-scrolling*: ++
typeof: bool ++
Option to reverse the scroll direction.
*scroll-step*: ++
typeof: float ++
default: 1.0 ++
The speed in which to change the brightness when scrolling.
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ Addressed by *hyprland/language*
*keyboard-name*: ++
typeof: string ++
Specifies which keyboard to use from hyprctl devices output. Using the option that begins with "AT Translated set..." is recommended.
Specifies which keyboard to use from hyprctl devices output. Using the option that begins with "at-translated-set..." is recommended.
@ -32,9 +32,9 @@ Addressed by *hyprland/language*
"hyprland/language": {
"format": "Lang: {}"
"format-us": "AMERICA, HELL YEAH!" // For American English
"format-tr": "As bayrakları" // For Turkish
"keyboard-name": "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard"
"format-en": "AMERICA, HELL YEAH!"
"format-tr": "As bayrakları"
"keyboard-name": "at-translated-set-2-keyboard"
@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
waybar - hyprland submap module
The *submap* module displays the currently active submap similar to *sway/mode*.
Addressed by *hyprland/submap*
*format*: ++
typeof: string ++
default: {} ++
The format, how information should be displayed. On {} the currently active submap is displayed.
*rotate*: ++
typeof: integer ++
Positive value to rotate the text label.
*max-length*: ++
typeof: integer ++
The maximum length in character the module should display.
*min-length*: ++
typeof: integer ++
The minimum length in characters the module should take up.
*align*: ++
typeof: float ++
The alignment of the text, where 0 is left-aligned and 1 is right-aligned. If the module is rotated, it will follow the flow of the text.
*on-click*: ++
typeof: string ++
Command to execute when clicked on the module.
*on-click-middle*: ++
typeof: string ++
Command to execute when middle-clicked on the module using mousewheel.
*on-click-right*: ++
typeof: string ++
Command to execute when you right clicked on the module.
*on-update*: ++
typeof: string ++
Command to execute when the module is updated.
*on-scroll-up*: ++
typeof: string ++
Command to execute when scrolling up on the module.
*on-scroll-down*: ++
typeof: string ++
Command to execute when scrolling down on the module.
*smooth-scrolling-threshold*: ++
typeof: double ++
Threshold to be used when scrolling.
*tooltip*: ++
typeof: bool ++
default: true ++
Option to disable tooltip on hover.
"hyprland/submap": {
"format": "✌️ {}",
"max-length": 8,
"tooltip": false
- *#submap*
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@ -10,12 +10,13 @@ The *image* module displays an image from a path.
Addressed by *custom/<name>*
*path*: ++
typeof: string ++
The path to the image.
*exec*: ++
typeof: string ++
The path to the script, which should return image path file
it will only execute if the path is not set
*size*: ++
typeof: integer ++
The width/height to render the image.
@ -58,15 +59,15 @@ Addressed by *custom/<name>*
## Spotify:
## mpd:
"image/album-art": {
"image#album-art": {
"path": "/tmp/mpd_art",
"size": 32,
"interval": 5,
"on-click": "mpc toggle"
- *#image*
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
waybar - MPRIS module
The *mpris* module displays currently playing media via libplayerctl.
*player*: ++
typeof: string ++
default: playerctld ++
Name of the MPRIS player to attach to. Using the default value always
follows the currenly active player.
*ignored-players*: ++
typeof: []string ++
Ignore updates of the listed players, when using playerctld.
*interval*: ++
typeof: integer ++
Refresh MPRIS information on a timer.
*format*: ++
typeof: string ++
default: {player} ({status}) {dynamic} ++
The text format.
*format-[status]*: ++
typeof: string ++
The status-specific text format.
*on-click*: ++
typeof: string ++
default: play-pause ++
Overwrite default action toggles.
*on-middle-click*: ++
typeof: string ++
default: previous track ++
Overwrite default action toggles.
*on-right-click*: ++
typeof: string ++
default: next track ++
Overwrite default action toggles.
*player-icons*: ++
typeof: map[string]string
Allows setting _{player-icon}_ based on player-name property.
*status-icons*: ++
typeof: map[string]string
Allows setting _{status-icon}_ based on player status (playing, paused,
*{player}*: The name of the current media player
*{status}*: The current status (playing, paused, stopped)
*{artist}*: The artist of the current track
*{album}*: The album title of the current track
*{title}*: The title of the current track
*{length}*: Length of the track, formatted as HH:MM:SS
*{dynamic}*: Use _{artist}_, _{album}_, _{title}_ and _{length}_, automatically omit++
empty values
*{player-icon}*: Chooses an icon from _player-icons_ based on _{player}_
*{status-icon}*: Chooses an icon from _status-icons_ based on _{status}_
"mpris": {
"format": "DEFAULT: {player_icon} {dynamic}",
"format-paused": "DEFAULT: {status_icon} <i>{dynamic}</i>",
"player-icons": {
"default": "▶",
"mpv": "🎵"
"status-icons": {
"paused": "⏸"
// "ignored-players": ["firefox"]
- *#mpris*
- *#mpris.${status}*
- *#mpris.${player}*
@ -66,6 +66,25 @@ Addressed by *sway/window*
default: true ++
Option to disable tooltip on hover.
*all-outputs*: ++
typeof: bool ++
default: false ++
Option to show the focused window along with its workspace styles on all outputs.
*offscreen-css*: ++
typeof: bool ++
default: false ++
Only effective when all-outputs is true. Adds style according to present windows on unfocused outputs instead of showing the focused window and style.
*offscreen-css-text*: ++
typeof: string ++
Only effective when both all-outputs and offscreen-style are true. On screens currently not focused, show the given text along with that workspaces styles.
*show-focused-workspace-name*: ++
typeof: bool ++
default: false ++
If the workspace itself is focused and the workspace contains nodes or floating_nodes, show the workspace name. If not set, text remains empty but styles according to nodes in the workspace are still applied.
*rewrite*: ++
typeof: object ++
Rules to rewrite window title. See *rewrite rules*.
@ -117,6 +136,10 @@ Invalid expressions (e.g., mismatched parentheses) are skipped.
- *#window*
- *window#waybar.empty* When no windows is in the workspace
- *window#waybar.solo* When one window is in the workspace
- *window#waybar.empty* When no windows are in the workspace, or screen is not focused and offscreen-css option is not set
- *window#waybar.solo* When one tiled window is in the workspace
- *window#waybar.floating* When there are only floating windows in the workspace
- *window#waybar.stacked* When there is more than one window in the workspace and the workspace layout is stacked
- *window#waybar.tabbed* When there is more than one window in the workspace and the workspace layout is tabbed
- *window#waybar.tiled* When there is more than one window in the workspace and the workspace layout is splith or splitv
- *window#waybar.<app_id>* Where *app_id* is the app_id or *instance* name like (*chromium*) of the only window in the workspace
@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ Addressed by *sway/workspaces*
typeof: bool ++
Whether to disable *workspace_auto_back_and_forth* when clicking on workspaces. If this is set to *true*, clicking on a workspace you are already on won't do anything, even if *workspace_auto_back_and_forth* is enabled in the Sway configuration.
*alphabetical_sort*: ++
typeof: bool ++
Whether to sort workspaces alphabetically. Please note this can make "swaymsg workspace prev/next" move to workspaces inconsistent with the ordering shown in Waybar.
*{value}*: Name of the workspace, as defined by sway.
@ -263,9 +263,11 @@ A module group is defined by specifying a module named "group/some-group-name".
- *waybar-custom(5)*
- *waybar-disk(5)*
- *waybar-idle-inhibitor(5)*
- *waybar-image(5)*
- *waybar-keyboard-state(5)*
- *waybar-memory(5)*
- *waybar-mpd(5)*
- *waybar-mpris(5)*
- *waybar-network(5)*
- *waybar-pulseaudio(5)*
- *waybar-river-mode(5)*
@ -276,6 +278,7 @@ A module group is defined by specifying a module named "group/some-group-name".
- *waybar-sway-scratchpad(5)*
- *waybar-sway-window(5)*
- *waybar-sway-workspaces(5)*
- *waybar-wireplumber(5)*
- *waybar-wlr-taskbar(5)*
- *waybar-wlr-workspaces(5)*
- *waybar-temperature(5)*
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
'waybar', 'cpp', 'c',
version: '0.9.16',
version: '0.9.17',
license: 'MIT',
meson_version: '>= 0.49.0',
default_options : [
@ -86,7 +86,10 @@ wayland_cursor = dependency('wayland-cursor')
wayland_protos = dependency('wayland-protocols')
gtkmm = dependency('gtkmm-3.0', version : ['>=3.22.0'])
dbusmenu_gtk = dependency('dbusmenu-gtk3-0.4', required: get_option('dbusmenu-gtk'))
giounix = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', required: (get_option('dbusmenu-gtk').enabled() or get_option('logind').enabled() or get_option('upower_glib').enabled()))
giounix = dependency('gio-unix-2.0', required: (get_option('dbusmenu-gtk').enabled() or
get_option('logind').enabled() or
get_option('upower_glib').enabled() or
jsoncpp = dependency('jsoncpp', version : ['>=1.9.2'], fallback : ['jsoncpp', 'jsoncpp_dep'])
sigcpp = dependency('sigc++-2.0')
libinotify = dependency('libinotify', required: false)
@ -95,6 +98,7 @@ libinput = dependency('libinput', required: get_option('libinput'))
libnl = dependency('libnl-3.0', required: get_option('libnl'))
libnlgen = dependency('libnl-genl-3.0', required: get_option('libnl'))
upower_glib = dependency('upower-glib', required: get_option('upower_glib'))
playerctl = dependency('playerctl', version : ['>=2.0.0'], required: get_option('mpris'))
libpulse = dependency('libpulse', required: get_option('pulseaudio'))
libudev = dependency('libudev', required: get_option('libudev'))
libevdev = dependency('libevdev', required: get_option('libevdev'))
@ -119,11 +123,18 @@ gtk_layer_shell = dependency('gtk-layer-shell-0',
required: get_option('gtk-layer-shell'),
fallback : ['gtk-layer-shell', 'gtk_layer_shell_dep'])
systemd = dependency('systemd', required: get_option('systemd'))
cpp_lib_chrono = compiler.compute_int('__cpp_lib_chrono', prefix : '#include <chrono>')
have_chrono_timezones = cpp_lib_chrono >= 201907
if have_chrono_timezones
tz_dep = declare_dependency()
tz_dep = dependency('date',
required: false,
default_options : [ 'use_system_tzdb=true' ],
modules : [ 'date::date', 'date::date-tz' ],
fallback: [ 'date', 'tz_dep' ])
prefix = get_option('prefix')
sysconfdir = get_option('sysconfdir')
@ -220,6 +231,7 @@ if true
src_files += 'src/modules/hyprland/backend.cpp'
src_files += 'src/modules/hyprland/window.cpp'
src_files += 'src/modules/hyprland/language.cpp'
src_files += 'src/modules/hyprland/submap.cpp'
if libnl.found() and libnlgen.found()
@ -238,6 +250,11 @@ if (upower_glib.found() and giounix.found() and not get_option('logind').disable
src_files += 'src/modules/upower/upower_tooltip.cpp'
if (playerctl.found() and giounix.found() and not get_option('logind').disabled())
add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_MPRIS', language: 'cpp')
src_files += 'src/modules/mpris/mpris.cpp'
if libpulse.found()
add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_LIBPULSE', language: 'cpp')
src_files += 'src/modules/pulseaudio.cpp'
@ -302,7 +319,10 @@ if get_option('rfkill').enabled() and is_linux
if tz_dep.found()
if have_chrono_timezones
add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_CHRONO_TIMEZONES', language: 'cpp')
src_files += 'src/modules/clock.cpp'
elif tz_dep.found()
add_project_arguments('-DHAVE_LIBDATE', language: 'cpp')
src_files += 'src/modules/clock.cpp'
@ -334,6 +354,7 @@ executable(
@ -384,9 +405,11 @@ if scdoc.found()
@ -435,7 +458,7 @@ endif
catch2 = dependency(
version: '>=3.0.0',
version: '>=2.0.0',
fallback: ['catch2', 'catch2_dep'],
required: get_option('tests'),
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ option('libudev', type: 'feature', value: 'auto', description: 'Enable libudev s
option('libevdev', type: 'feature', value: 'auto', description: 'Enable libevdev support for evdev related features')
option('pulseaudio', type: 'feature', value: 'auto', description: 'Enable support for pulseaudio')
option('upower_glib', type: 'feature', value: 'auto', description: 'Enable support for upower')
option('mpris', type: 'feature', value: 'auto', description: 'Enable support for mpris')
option('systemd', type: 'feature', value: 'auto', description: 'Install systemd user service unit')
option('dbusmenu-gtk', type: 'feature', value: 'auto', description: 'Enable support for tray')
option('man-pages', type: 'feature', value: 'auto', description: 'Generate and install man pages')
@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
{ lib
, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, meson
, pkg-config
, ninja
, wrapGAppsHook
, wayland
, wlroots
, gtkmm3
, libsigcxx
, jsoncpp
, scdoc
, spdlog
, gtk-layer-shell
, howard-hinnant-date
, libinotify-kqueue
, libxkbcommon
, evdevSupport ? true
, libevdev
, inputSupport ? true
, libinput
, jackSupport ? true
, libjack2
, mpdSupport ? true
, libmpdclient
, nlSupport ? true
, libnl
, pulseSupport ? true
, libpulseaudio
, rfkillSupport ? true
, runTests ? true
, catch2_3
, sndioSupport ? true
, sndio
, swaySupport ? true
, sway
, traySupport ? true
, libdbusmenu-gtk3
, udevSupport ? true
, udev
, upowerSupport ? true
, upower
, wireplumberSupport ? true
, wireplumber
, withMediaPlayer ? false
, glib
, gobject-introspection
, python3
, playerctl
, version
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "waybar";
inherit version;
# version = "0.9.16";
src = lib.cleanSourceWith {
filter = name: type:
baseName = baseNameOf (toString name);
! (
lib.hasSuffix ".nix" baseName
src = lib.cleanSource ../.;
nativeBuildInputs = [
] ++ lib.optional withMediaPlayer gobject-introspection;
propagatedBuildInputs = lib.optionals withMediaPlayer [
strictDeps = false;
buildInputs = with lib;
[ wayland wlroots gtkmm3 libsigcxx jsoncpp spdlog gtk-layer-shell howard-hinnant-date libxkbcommon ]
++ optional (!stdenv.isLinux) libinotify-kqueue
++ optional evdevSupport libevdev
++ optional inputSupport libinput
++ optional jackSupport libjack2
++ optional mpdSupport libmpdclient
++ optional nlSupport libnl
++ optional pulseSupport libpulseaudio
++ optional sndioSupport sndio
++ optional swaySupport sway
++ optional traySupport libdbusmenu-gtk3
++ optional udevSupport udev
++ optional upowerSupport upower
++ optional wireplumberSupport wireplumber;
checkInputs = [ catch2_3 ];
doCheck = runTests;
mesonFlags = (lib.mapAttrsToList
(option: enable: "-D${option}=${if enable then "enabled" else "disabled"}")
dbusmenu-gtk = traySupport;
jack = jackSupport;
libinput = inputSupport;
libnl = nlSupport;
libudev = udevSupport;
mpd = mpdSupport;
pulseaudio = pulseSupport;
rfkill = rfkillSupport;
sndio = sndioSupport;
tests = runTests;
upower_glib = upowerSupport;
wireplumber = wireplumberSupport;
) ++ [
preFixup = lib.optionalString withMediaPlayer ''
cp $src/resources/custom_modules/ $out/bin/
wrapProgram $out/bin/ \
--prefix PYTHONPATH : "$PYTHONPATH:$out/${python3.sitePackages}"
meta = with lib; {
description = "Highly customizable Wayland bar for Sway and Wlroots based compositors";
license =;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ FlorianFranzen minijackson synthetica lovesegfault ];
platforms = platforms.unix;
homepage = "";
@ -725,10 +725,7 @@ void waybar::Bar::setupAltFormatKeyForModuleList(const char* module_list_name) {
void waybar::Bar::handleSignal(int signal) {
for (auto& module : modules_all_) {
auto* custom = dynamic_cast<waybar::modules::Custom*>(module.get());
if (custom != nullptr) {
@ -22,6 +22,11 @@ waybar::AModule* waybar::Factory::makeModule(const std::string& name) const {
return new waybar::modules::upower::UPower(id, config_[name]);
if (ref == "mpris") {
return new waybar::modules::mpris::Mpris(id, config_[name]);
#ifdef HAVE_SWAY
if (ref == "sway/mode") {
return new waybar::modules::sway::Mode(id, config_[name]);
@ -67,6 +72,9 @@ waybar::AModule* waybar::Factory::makeModule(const std::string& name) const {
if (ref == "hyprland/language") {
return new waybar::modules::hyprland::Language(id, bar_, config_[name]);
if (ref == "hyprland/submap") {
return new waybar::modules::hyprland::Submap(id, bar_, config_[name]);
if (ref == "idle_inhibitor") {
return new waybar::modules::IdleInhibitor(id, bar_, config_[name]);
@ -90,6 +98,9 @@ waybar::AModule* waybar::Factory::makeModule(const std::string& name) const {
if (ref == "disk") {
return new waybar::modules::Disk(id, config_[name]);
if (ref == "image") {
return new waybar::modules::Image(id, config_[name]);
if (ref == "tray") {
return new waybar::modules::SNI::Tray(id, bar_, config_[name]);
@ -148,8 +159,6 @@ waybar::AModule* waybar::Factory::makeModule(const std::string& name) const {
if (, 7, "custom/") == 0 && ref.size() > 7) {
return new waybar::modules::Custom(ref.substr(7), bar_, id, config_[name]);
} else if (, 6, "image/") == 0 && ref.size() > 6) {
return new waybar::modules::Image(ref.substr(6), id, config_[name]);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
auto err = fmt::format("Disabling module \"{}\", {}", name, e.what());
@ -85,6 +85,12 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
std::signal(SIGINT, [](int /*signal*/) {
reload = false;
for (int sig = SIGRTMIN + 1; sig <= SIGRTMAX; ++sig) {
std::signal(sig, [](int sig) {
for (auto& bar : waybar::Client::inst()->bars) {
@ -48,13 +48,13 @@ struct UdevMonitorDeleter {
void check_eq(int rc, int expected, const char *message = "eq, rc was: ") {
if (rc != expected) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(message, rc));
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(message), rc));
void check_neq(int rc, int bad_rc, const char *message = "neq, rc was: ") {
if (rc == bad_rc) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(message, rc));
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(message), rc));
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ void check0(int rc, const char *message = "rc wasn't 0") { check_eq(rc, 0, messa
void check_gte(int rc, int gte, const char *message = "rc was: ") {
if (rc < gte) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(message, rc));
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(message), rc));
@ -106,6 +106,15 @@ waybar::modules::Backlight::Backlight(const std::string &id, const Json::Value &
// Set up scroll handler
event_box_.add_events(Gdk::SCROLL_MASK | Gdk::SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK);
event_box_.signal_scroll_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Backlight::handleScroll));
// Connect to the login interface
login_proxy_ = Gio::DBus::Proxy::create_for_bus_sync(
Gio::DBus::BusType::BUS_TYPE_SYSTEM, "org.freedesktop.login1",
"/org/freedesktop/login1/session/self", "org.freedesktop.login1.Session");
udev_thread_ = [this] {
std::unique_ptr<udev, UdevDeleter> udev{udev_new()};
check_nn(udev.get(), "Udev new failed");
@ -181,7 +190,8 @@ auto waybar::modules::Backlight::update() -> void {
const uint8_t percent =
best->get_max() == 0 ? 100 : round(best->get_actual() * 100.0f / best->get_max());
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, fmt::arg("percent", std::to_string(percent)),
fmt::arg("percent", std::to_string(percent)),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(percent))));
} else {
@ -263,3 +273,71 @@ void waybar::modules::Backlight::enumerate_devices(ForwardIt first, ForwardIt la
upsert_device(first, last, inserter, dev.get());
bool waybar::modules::Backlight::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll *e) {
// Check if the user has set a custom command for scrolling
if (config_["on-scroll-up"].isString() || config_["on-scroll-down"].isString()) {
return AModule::handleScroll(e);
// Fail fast if the proxy could not be initialized
if (!login_proxy_) {
return true;
// Check scroll direction
auto dir = AModule::getScrollDir(e);
if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::NONE) {
return true;
if (config_["reverse-scrolling"].asBool()) {
if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::UP) {
} else if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::DOWN) {
// Get scroll step
double step = 1;
if (config_["scroll-step"].isDouble()) {
step = config_["scroll-step"].asDouble();
// Get the best device
decltype(devices_) devices;
std::scoped_lock<std::mutex> lock(udev_thread_mutex_);
devices = devices_;
const auto best = best_device(devices.cbegin(), devices.cend(), preferred_device_);
if (best == nullptr) {
return true;
// Compute the absolute step
const auto abs_step = static_cast<int>(round(step * best->get_max() / 100.0f));
// Compute the new value
int new_value = best->get_actual();
if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::UP) {
new_value += abs_step;
} else if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::DOWN) {
new_value -= abs_step;
// Clamp the value
new_value = std::clamp(new_value, 0, best->get_max());
// Set the new value
auto call_args = Glib::VariantContainerBase(
g_variant_new("(ssu)", "backlight", std::string(best->name()).c_str(), new_value));
login_proxy_->call_sync("SetBrightness", call_args);
return true;
@ -505,11 +505,12 @@ const std::tuple<uint8_t, float, std::string, float> waybar::modules::Battery::g
float time_remaining{0.0f};
if (status == "Discharging" && time_to_empty_now_exists) {
if (time_to_empty_now != 0) time_remaining = (float)time_to_empty_now / 1000.0f;
if (time_to_empty_now != 0) time_remaining = (float)time_to_empty_now / 3600.0f;
} else if (status == "Discharging" && total_power_exists && total_energy_exists) {
if (total_power != 0) time_remaining = (float)total_energy / total_power;
} else if (status == "Charging" && time_to_full_now_exists) {
if (time_to_full_now_exists && (time_to_full_now != 0)) time_remaining = -(float)time_to_full_now / 1000.0f;
if (time_to_full_now_exists && (time_to_full_now != 0))
time_remaining = -(float)time_to_full_now / 3600.0f;
// If we've turned positive it means the battery is past 100% and so just report that as no
// time remaining
if (time_remaining > 0.0f) time_remaining = 0.0f;
@ -603,7 +604,7 @@ const std::string waybar::modules::Battery::formatTimeRemaining(float hoursRemai
format = config_["format-time"].asString();
std::string zero_pad_minutes = fmt::format("{:02d}", minutes);
return fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("H", full_hours), fmt::arg("M", minutes),
return fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("H", full_hours), fmt::arg("M", minutes),
fmt::arg("m", zero_pad_minutes));
@ -643,7 +644,8 @@ auto waybar::modules::Battery::update() -> void {
} else if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) {
tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
label_.set_tooltip_text(fmt::format(tooltip_format, fmt::arg("timeTo", tooltip_text_default),
fmt::arg("timeTo", tooltip_text_default),
fmt::arg("power", power), fmt::arg("capacity", capacity),
fmt::arg("time", time_remaining_formatted)));
@ -664,9 +666,9 @@ auto waybar::modules::Battery::update() -> void {
} else {
auto icons = std::vector<std::string>{status + "-" + state, status, state};
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("capacity", capacity), fmt::arg("power", power),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(capacity, icons)),
fmt::arg("time", time_remaining_formatted)));
fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("capacity", capacity), fmt::arg("power", power),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(capacity, icons)), fmt::arg("time", time_remaining_formatted)));
// Call parent update
@ -206,7 +206,8 @@ auto waybar::modules::Bluetooth::update() -> void {
state_ = state;
format_, fmt::arg("status", state_), fmt::arg("num_connections", connected_devices_.size()),
fmt::runtime(format_), fmt::arg("status", state_),
fmt::arg("num_connections", connected_devices_.size()),
fmt::arg("controller_address", cur_controller_.address),
fmt::arg("controller_address_type", cur_controller_.address_type),
fmt::arg("controller_alias", cur_controller_.alias),
@ -234,7 +235,7 @@ auto waybar::modules::Bluetooth::update() -> void {
enumerate_format = config_["tooltip-format-enumerate-connected"].asString();
ss << fmt::format(
enumerate_format, fmt::arg("device_address", dev.address),
fmt::runtime(enumerate_format), fmt::arg("device_address", dev.address),
fmt::arg("device_address_type", dev.address_type),
fmt::arg("device_alias", dev.alias), fmt::arg("icon", enumerate_icon),
fmt::arg("device_battery_percentage", dev.battery_percentage.value_or(0)));
@ -247,7 +248,7 @@ auto waybar::modules::Bluetooth::update() -> void {
tooltip_format, fmt::arg("status", state_),
fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("status", state_),
fmt::arg("num_connections", connected_devices_.size()),
fmt::arg("controller_address", cur_controller_.address),
fmt::arg("controller_address_type", cur_controller_.address_type),
@ -5,18 +5,16 @@
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <regex>
#include <sstream>
#include <type_traits>
#include "util/ustring_clen.hpp"
#include "util/waybar_time.hpp"
#include <langinfo.h>
#include <locale.h>
using waybar::waybar_time;
waybar::modules::Clock::Clock(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
: ALabel(config, "clock", id, "{:%H:%M}", 60, false, false, true),
@ -34,16 +32,10 @@ waybar::modules::Clock::Clock(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
// If all timezones are parsed and no one is good, add nullptr to the timezones vector, to mark
// that local time should be shown.
// If all timezones are parsed and no one is good, add current time zone. nullptr in timezones
// vector means that local time should be shown
if (!time_zones_.size()) {
if (!is_timezone_fixed()) {
"As using a timezone, some format args may be missing as the date library haven't got a "
"release since 2018.");
// Check if a particular placeholder is present in the tooltip format, to know what to calculate
@ -61,18 +53,94 @@ waybar::modules::Clock::Clock(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
// Calendar configuration
if (is_calendar_in_tooltip_) {
if (config_["on-scroll"][kCalendarPlaceholder].isInt()) {
calendar_shift_init_ =
date::months{config_["on-scroll"].get(kCalendarPlaceholder, 0).asInt()};
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].isString()) {
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].asString() == "left") {
cldWPos_ = WeeksSide::LEFT;
} else if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["weeks-pos"].asString() == "right") {
cldWPos_ = WeeksSide::RIGHT;
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["months"].isString())
fmtMap_.insert({0, config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["months"].asString()});
fmtMap_.insert({0, "{}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["days"].isString())
fmtMap_.insert({2, config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["days"].asString()});
fmtMap_.insert({2, "{}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["weeks"].isString() &&
cldWPos_ != WeeksSide::HIDDEN) {
{4, std::regex_replace(config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["weeks"].asString(),
(first_day_of_week() == date::Monday) ? "{:%W}" : "{:%U}")});
Glib::ustring tmp{std::regex_replace(fmtMap_[4], std::regex("</?[^>]+>|\\{.*\\}"), "")};
cldWnLen_ += tmp.size();
} else {
if (cldWPos_ != WeeksSide::HIDDEN)
fmtMap_.insert({4, (first_day_of_week() == date::Monday) ? "{:%W}" : "{:%U}"});
cldWnLen_ = 0;
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["weekdays"].isString())
fmtMap_.insert({1, config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["weekdays"].asString()});
fmtMap_.insert({1, "{}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["today"].isString())
fmtMap_.insert({3, config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["format"]["today"].asString()});
fmtMap_.insert({3, "{}"});
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode"].isString()) {
const std::string cfgMode{(config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode"].isString())
? config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode"].asString()
: "month"};
const std::map<std::string, const CldMode&> monthModes{{"month", CldMode::MONTH},
{"year", CldMode::YEAR}};
if (monthModes.find(cfgMode) != monthModes.end())
cldMode_ =;
"Clock calendar configuration \"mode\"\"\" \"{0}\" is not recognized. Mode = \"month\" "
"is using instead",
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode-mon-col"].isInt()) {
cldMonCols_ = config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["mode-mon-col"].asInt();
if (cldMonCols_ == 0u || 12 % cldMonCols_ != 0u) {
cldMonCols_ = 3u;
"Clock calendar configuration \"mode-mon-col\" = {0} must be one of [1, 2, 3, 4, 6, "
"12]. Value 3 is using instead",
} else
cldMonCols_ = 1;
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-scroll"].isInt()) {
cldShift_ = date::months{config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-scroll"].asInt()};
event_box_.signal_leave_notify_event().connect([this](GdkEventCrossing*) {
cldCurrShift_ = date::months{0};
return false;
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-click-left"].isString()) {
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-click-left"].asString() == "mode")
eventMap_.insert({std::make_pair(1, GdkEventType::GDK_BUTTON_PRESS),
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-click-right"].isString()) {
if (config_[kCalendarPlaceholder]["on-click-right"].asString() == "mode")
eventMap_.insert({std::make_pair(3, GdkEventType::GDK_BUTTON_PRESS),
if (config_["locale"].isString()) {
if (config_["locale"].isString())
locale_ = std::locale(config_["locale"].asString());
} else {
locale_ = std::locale("");
thread_ = [this] {
@ -94,18 +162,22 @@ bool waybar::modules::Clock::is_timezone_fixed() {
auto waybar::modules::Clock::update() -> void {
auto time_zone = current_timezone();
const auto* time_zone = current_timezone();
auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
waybar_time wtime = {locale_, date::make_zoned(time_zone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(now) +
std::string text = "";
auto ztime = date::zoned_time{time_zone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(now)};
auto shifted_date = date::year_month_day{date::floor<date::days>(now)} + cldCurrShift_;
auto now_shifted = date::sys_days{shifted_date} + (now - date::floor<date::days>(now));
auto shifted_ztime = date::zoned_time{time_zone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(now_shifted)};
std::string text{""};
if (!is_timezone_fixed()) {
// As date dep is not fully compatible, prefer fmt
auto localtime = fmt::localtime(std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(now));
text = fmt::format(locale_, format_, localtime);
text = fmt::format(locale_, fmt::runtime(format_), localtime);
} else {
text = fmt::format(format_, wtime);
text = fmt::format(locale_, fmt::runtime(format_), ztime);
@ -114,14 +186,14 @@ auto waybar::modules::Clock::update() -> void {
std::string calendar_lines{""};
std::string timezoned_time_lines{""};
if (is_calendar_in_tooltip_) {
calendar_lines = calendar_text(wtime);
calendar_lines = get_calendar(ztime, shifted_ztime);
if (is_timezoned_list_in_tooltip_) {
timezoned_time_lines = timezones_text(&now);
auto tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
text =
fmt::format(tooltip_format, wtime, fmt::arg(kCalendarPlaceholder.c_str(), calendar_lines),
text = fmt::format(locale_, fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), shifted_ztime,
fmt::arg(kCalendarPlaceholder.c_str(), calendar_lines),
fmt::arg(KTimezonedTimeListPlaceholder.c_str(), timezoned_time_lines));
@ -131,6 +203,21 @@ auto waybar::modules::Clock::update() -> void {
bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleToggle(GdkEventButton* const& e) {
const std::map<std::pair<uint, GdkEventType>, void (waybar::modules::Clock::*)()>::const_iterator&
rec{eventMap_.find(std::pair(e->button, e->type))};
const auto callMethod{(rec != eventMap_.cend()) ? rec->second : nullptr};
if (callMethod) {
} else
return ALabel::handleToggle(e);
return true;
bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e) {
// defer to user commands if set
if (config_["on-scroll-up"].isString() || config_["on-scroll-down"].isString()) {
@ -140,11 +227,11 @@ bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e) {
auto dir = AModule::getScrollDir(e);
// Shift calendar date
if (calendar_shift_init_.count() != 0) {
if (cldShift_.count() != 0) {
if (dir == SCROLL_DIR::UP)
calendar_shift_ += calendar_shift_init_;
cldCurrShift_ += ((cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? 12 : 1) * cldShift_;
calendar_shift_ -= calendar_shift_init_;
cldCurrShift_ -= ((cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? 12 : 1) * cldShift_;
} else {
// Change time zone
if (dir != SCROLL_DIR::UP && dir != SCROLL_DIR::DOWN) {
@ -168,135 +255,214 @@ bool waybar::modules::Clock::handleScroll(GdkEventScroll* e) {
return true;
auto waybar::modules::Clock::calendar_text(const waybar_time& wtime) -> std::string {
const auto daypoint = date::floor<date::days>(wtime.ztime.get_local_time());
const auto ymd{date::year_month_day{daypoint}};
if (calendar_cached_ymd_ == ymd) {
return calendar_cached_text_;
// The number of weeks in calendar month layout plus 1 more for calendar titles
unsigned cldRowsInMonth(date::year_month const ym, date::weekday const firstdow) {
using namespace date;
return static_cast<unsigned>(
ceil<weeks>((weekday{ym / 1} - firstdow) + ((ym / last).day() - day{0})).count()) +
const auto curr_day{(calendar_shift_init_.count() != 0 && calendar_shift_.count() != 0)
? date::day{0}
const date::year_month ym{ymd.year(), ymd.month()};
const auto weeks_format{config_["format-calendar-weeks"].isString()
? config_["format-calendar-weeks"].asString()
: ""};
std::stringstream os;
const date::weekday first_week_day = first_day_of_week();
enum class WeeksPlacement {
WeeksPlacement weeks_pos = WeeksPlacement::HIDDEN;
if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].isString()) {
if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].asString() == "left") {
weeks_pos = WeeksPlacement::LEFT;
// Add paddings before the header
os << std::string(4, ' ');
} else if (config_["calendar-weeks-pos"].asString() == "right") {
weeks_pos = WeeksPlacement::RIGHT;
auto cldGetWeekForLine(date::year_month const ym, date::weekday const firstdow, unsigned const line)
-> const date::year_month_weekday {
unsigned index = line - 2;
auto sd = date::sys_days{ym / 1};
if (date::weekday{sd} == firstdow) ++index;
auto ymdw = ym / firstdow[index];
return ymdw;
weekdays_header(first_week_day, os);
auto getCalendarLine(date::year_month_day const currDate, date::year_month const ym,
unsigned const line, date::weekday const firstdow,
const std::locale* const locale_) -> std::string {
using namespace date::literals;
std::ostringstream res;
// First week prefixed with spaces if needed.
auto first_month_day = date::weekday(ym / 1);
int empty_days = (first_week_day - first_month_day).count() + 1;
date::sys_days last_week_day{static_cast<date::sys_days>(ym / 1) + date::days{7 - empty_days}};
if (first_week_day == date::Monday) {
last_week_day -= date::days{1};
switch (line) {
case 0: {
// Output month and year title
res << date::format(*locale_, "%B %Y", ym);
/* Print weeknumber on the left for the first row*/
if (weeks_pos == WeeksPlacement::LEFT) {
os << fmt::format(weeks_format, date::format("%U", last_week_day)) << ' ';
last_week_day += date::weeks{1};
if (empty_days > 0) {
os << std::string(empty_days * 3 - 1, ' ');
const auto last_day = (ym / date::literals::last).day();
auto weekday = first_month_day;
for (auto d = date::day(1); d <= last_day; ++d, ++weekday) {
if (weekday != first_week_day) {
os << ' ';
} else if (unsigned(d) != 1) {
last_week_day -= date::days{1};
if (weeks_pos == WeeksPlacement::RIGHT) {
os << ' ';
os << fmt::format(weeks_format, date::format("%U", last_week_day));
os << "\n";
if (weeks_pos == WeeksPlacement::LEFT) {
os << fmt::format(weeks_format, date::format("%U", last_week_day));
os << ' ';
last_week_day += date::weeks{1} + date::days{1};
if (d == curr_day) {
if (config_["today-format"].isString()) {
auto today_format = config_["today-format"].asString();
os << fmt::format(today_format, date::format("%e", d));
} else {
os << "<b><u>" << date::format("%e", d) << "</u></b>";
} else if (config_["format-calendar"].isString()) {
os << fmt::format(config_["format-calendar"].asString(), date::format("%e", d));
} else {
os << date::format("%e", d);
/*Print weeks on the right when the endings with spaces*/
if (weeks_pos == WeeksPlacement::RIGHT && d == last_day) {
last_week_day -= date::days{1};
empty_days = 6 - (weekday - first_week_day).count();
os << std::string(empty_days * 3 + 1, ' ');
os << fmt::format(weeks_format, date::format("%U", last_week_day));
last_week_day += date::days{1};
auto result = os.str();
calendar_cached_ymd_ = ymd;
calendar_cached_text_ = result;
return result;
auto waybar::modules::Clock::weekdays_header(const date::weekday& first_week_day, std::ostream& os)
-> void {
std::stringstream res;
auto wd = first_week_day;
case 1: {
// Output weekday names title
auto wd{firstdow};
do {
if (wd != first_week_day) {
res << ' ';
Glib::ustring wd_ustring(date::format(locale_, "%a", wd));
auto clen = ustring_clen(wd_ustring);
auto wd_len = wd_ustring.length();
Glib::ustring wd_ustring{date::format(*locale_, "%a", wd)};
auto clen{ustring_clen(wd_ustring)};
auto wd_len{wd_ustring.length()};
while (clen > 2) {
wd_ustring = wd_ustring.substr(0, wd_len - 1);
clen = ustring_clen(wd_ustring);
const std::string pad(2 - clen, ' ');
res << pad << wd_ustring;
} while (++wd != first_week_day);
res << "\n";
if (config_["format-calendar-weekdays"].isString()) {
os << fmt::format(config_["format-calendar-weekdays"].asString(), res.str());
} else
os << res.str();
if (wd != firstdow) res << ' ';
res << pad << wd_ustring;
} while (++wd != firstdow);
case 2: {
// Output first week prefixed with spaces if necessary
auto wd = date::weekday{ym / 1};
res << std::string(static_cast<unsigned>((wd - firstdow).count()) * 3, ' ');
if (currDate.year() != ym.year() || currDate.month() != ym.month() || currDate != ym / 1_d)
res << date::format("%e", 1_d);
res << "{today}";
auto d = 2_d;
while (++wd != firstdow) {
if (currDate.year() != ym.year() || currDate.month() != ym.month() || currDate != ym / d)
res << date::format(" %e", d);
res << " {today}";
default: {
// Output a non-first week:
auto ymdw{cldGetWeekForLine(ym, firstdow, line)};
if (ymdw.ok()) {
auto d = date::year_month_day{ymdw}.day();
auto const e = (ym / last).day();
auto wd = firstdow;
if (currDate.year() != ym.year() || currDate.month() != ym.month() || currDate != ym / d)
res << date::format("%e", d);
res << "{today}";
while (++wd != firstdow && ++d <= e) {
if (currDate.year() != ym.year() || currDate.month() != ym.month() || currDate != ym / d)
res << date::format(" %e", d);
res << " {today}";
// Append row with spaces if the week did not complete
res << std::string(static_cast<unsigned>((firstdow - wd).count()) * 3, ' ');
return res.str();
auto waybar::modules::Clock::get_calendar(const date::zoned_seconds& now,
const date::zoned_seconds& wtime) -> std::string {
auto daypoint = date::floor<date::days>(wtime.get_local_time());
const auto ymd{date::year_month_day{daypoint}};
const auto ym{ymd.year() / ymd.month()};
const auto y{ymd.year()};
const auto firstdow = first_day_of_week();
const auto maxRows{12 / cldMonCols_};
std::ostringstream os;
std::ostringstream tmp;
// get currdate
daypoint = date::floor<date::days>(now.get_local_time());
const auto currDate{date::year_month_day{daypoint}};
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) {
if (y / date::month{1} / 1 == cldYearShift_)
return cldYearCached_;
cldYearShift_ = y / date::month{1} / 1;
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::MONTH) {
if (ym == cldMonShift_)
return cldMonCached_;
cldMonShift_ = ym;
// Compute number of lines needed for each calendar month
unsigned ml[12]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
for (auto& m : ml) {
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR || m == static_cast<unsigned>(ymd.month()))
m = cldRowsInMonth(y / date::month{m}, firstdow);
m = 0u;
for (auto row{0u}; row < maxRows; ++row) {
const auto lines = *std::max_element(std::begin(ml) + (row * cldMonCols_),
std::begin(ml) + ((row + 1) * cldMonCols_));
for (auto line{0u}; line < lines; ++line) {
for (auto col{0u}; col < cldMonCols_; ++col) {
const auto mon{date::month{row * cldMonCols_ + col + 1}};
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR || y / mon == ym) {
date::year_month ymTmp{y / mon};
if (col != 0 && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) os << " ";
// Week numbers on the left
if (cldWPos_ == WeeksSide::LEFT && line > 0) {
if (line > 1) {
if (line < ml[static_cast<unsigned>(ymTmp.month()) - 1u])
os << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[4]),
(line == 2)
? date::sys_days{ymTmp / 1}
: date::sys_days{cldGetWeekForLine(ymTmp, firstdow, line)})
<< ' ';
os << std::string(cldWnLen_, ' ');
os << fmt::format(
fmt::runtime((cldWPos_ != WeeksSide::LEFT || line == 0) ? "{:<{}}" : "{:>{}}"),
getCalendarLine(currDate, ymTmp, line, firstdow, &locale_),
(cldMonColLen_ + ((line < 2) ? cldWnLen_ : 0)));
// Week numbers on the right
if (cldWPos_ == WeeksSide ::RIGHT && line > 0) {
if (line > 1) {
if (line < ml[static_cast<unsigned>(ymTmp.month()) - 1u])
os << ' '
<< fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[4]),
(line == 2)
? date::sys_days{ymTmp / 1}
: date::sys_days{cldGetWeekForLine(ymTmp, firstdow, line)});
os << std::string(cldWnLen_, ' ');
// Apply user formats to calendar
if (line < 2)
tmp << fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[line]), os.str());
tmp << os.str();
// Clear ostringstream
if (line + 1u != lines || (row + 1u != maxRows && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR)) tmp << '\n';
if (row + 1u != maxRows && cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) tmp << '\n';
os << fmt::format( // Apply days format
fmt::runtime(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[2]), tmp.str())),
// Apply today format
fmt::arg("today", fmt::format(fmt::runtime(fmtMap_[3]), date::format("%e",;
if (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR)
cldYearCached_ = os.str();
cldMonCached_ = os.str();
return os.str();
void waybar::modules::Clock::cldModeSwitch() {
cldMode_ = (cldMode_ == CldMode::YEAR) ? CldMode::MONTH : CldMode::YEAR;
auto waybar::modules::Clock::timezones_text(std::chrono::system_clock::time_point* now)
@ -305,7 +471,6 @@ auto waybar::modules::Clock::timezones_text(std::chrono::system_clock::time_poin
return "";
std::stringstream os;
waybar_time wtime;
for (size_t time_zone_idx = 0; time_zone_idx < time_zones_.size(); ++time_zone_idx) {
if (static_cast<int>(time_zone_idx) == current_time_zone_idx_) {
@ -314,8 +479,8 @@ auto waybar::modules::Clock::timezones_text(std::chrono::system_clock::time_poin
if (!timezone) {
timezone = date::current_zone();
wtime = {locale_, date::make_zoned(timezone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(*now))};
os << fmt::format(format_, wtime) << "\n";
auto ztime = date::zoned_time{timezone, date::floor<std::chrono::seconds>(*now)};
os << fmt::format(locale_, fmt::runtime(format_), ztime) << '\n';
return os.str();
@ -39,7 +39,6 @@ auto waybar::modules::Cpu::update() -> void {
auto icons = std::vector<std::string>{state};
fmt::dynamic_format_arg_store<fmt::format_context> store;
store.push_back(fmt::arg("load", cpu_load));
store.push_back(fmt::arg("load", cpu_load));
store.push_back(fmt::arg("usage", total_usage));
store.push_back(fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(total_usage, icons)));
store.push_back(fmt::arg("max_frequency", max_frequency));
@ -275,8 +275,8 @@ waybar::modules::Custom::Node waybar::modules::Custom::parseItem(Json::Value &pa
if(!parsed["name"].asString().empty()) {
n.name_ = name_ + parsed["name"].asString();
if (!parsed["percentage"].asString().empty() && parsed["percentage"].isUInt()) {
n.percentage_ = parsed["percentage"].asUInt();
if (!parsed["percentage"].asString().empty() && parsed["percentage"].isNumeric()) {
n.percentage_ = (int)lround(parsed["percentage"].asFloat());
} else {
n.percentage_ = 0;
@ -58,11 +58,11 @@ auto waybar::modules::Disk::update() -> void {
} else {
fmt::format(format, stats.f_bavail * 100 / stats.f_blocks, fmt::arg("free", free),
fmt::arg("percentage_free", stats.f_bavail * 100 / stats.f_blocks),
fmt::arg("used", used), fmt::arg("percentage_used", percentage_used),
fmt::arg("total", total), fmt::arg("path", path_)));
fmt::runtime(format), stats.f_bavail * 100 / stats.f_blocks, fmt::arg("free", free),
fmt::arg("percentage_free", stats.f_bavail * 100 / stats.f_blocks), fmt::arg("used", used),
fmt::arg("percentage_used", percentage_used), fmt::arg("total", total),
fmt::arg("path", path_)));
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ auto waybar::modules::Disk::update() -> void {
if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) {
tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
fmt::format(tooltip_format, stats.f_bavail * 100 / stats.f_blocks, fmt::arg("free", free),
fmt::arg("percentage_free", stats.f_bavail * 100 / stats.f_blocks),
fmt::arg("used", used), fmt::arg("percentage_used", percentage_used),
fmt::arg("total", total), fmt::arg("path", path_)));
fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), stats.f_bavail * 100 / stats.f_blocks, fmt::arg("free", free),
fmt::arg("percentage_free", stats.f_bavail * 100 / stats.f_blocks), fmt::arg("used", used),
fmt::arg("percentage_used", percentage_used), fmt::arg("total", total),
fmt::arg("path", path_)));
// Call parent update
@ -213,13 +213,13 @@ auto Gamemode::update() -> void {
// Tooltip
if (tooltip) {
std::string text = fmt::format(tooltip_format, fmt::arg("count", gameCount));
std::string text = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("count", gameCount));
// Label format
std::string str =
fmt::format(showAltText ? format_alt : format, fmt::arg("glyph", useIcon ? "" : glyph),
std::string str = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(showAltText ? format_alt : format),
fmt::arg("glyph", useIcon ? "" : glyph),
fmt::arg("count", gameCount > 0 ? std::to_string(gameCount) : ""));
@ -49,24 +49,23 @@ auto Language::update() -> void {
void Language::onEvent(const std::string& ev) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mutex_);
auto layoutName = ev.substr(ev.find_last_of(',') + 1);
auto keebName = ev.substr(0, ev.find_last_of(','));
keebName = keebName.substr(keebName.find_first_of('>') + 2);
std::string kbName(begin(ev) + ev.find_last_of('>') + 1, begin(ev) + ev.find_first_of(','));
auto layoutName = ev.substr(ev.find_first_of(',') + 1);
if (config_.isMember("keyboard-name") && keebName != config_["keyboard-name"].asString())
if (config_.isMember("keyboard-name") && kbName != config_["keyboard-name"].asString())
return; // ignore
const auto BRIEFNAME = getShortFrom(layoutName);
if (config_.isMember("format-" + BRIEFNAME)) {
const auto PROPNAME = "format-" + BRIEFNAME;
layoutName = fmt::format(format_, config_[PROPNAME].asString());
} else {
layoutName = fmt::format(format_, layoutName);
layoutName = waybar::util::sanitize_string(layoutName);
const auto briefName = getShortFrom(layoutName);
if (config_.isMember("format-" + briefName)) {
const auto propName = "format-" + briefName;
layoutName = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), config_[propName].asString());
} else {
layoutName = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), layoutName);
if (layoutName == layoutName_) return;
layoutName_ = layoutName;
@ -77,18 +76,30 @@ void Language::onEvent(const std::string& ev) {
void Language::initLanguage() {
const auto INPUTDEVICES = gIPC->getSocket1Reply("devices");
const auto inputDevices = gIPC->getSocket1Reply("devices");
if (!config_.isMember("keyboard-name")) return;
const auto KEEBNAME = config_["keyboard-name"].asString();
const auto kbName = config_["keyboard-name"].asString();
try {
auto searcher = INPUTDEVICES.substr(INPUTDEVICES.find(KEEBNAME) + KEEBNAME.length());
searcher = searcher.substr(searcher.find("keymap:") + 7);
auto searcher = kbName.empty()
? inputDevices
: inputDevices.substr(inputDevices.find(kbName) + kbName.length());
searcher = searcher.substr(searcher.find("keymap:") + 8);
searcher = searcher.substr(0, searcher.find_first_of("\n\t"));
layoutName_ = searcher;
searcher = waybar::util::sanitize_string(searcher);
auto layoutName = std::string{};
const auto briefName = getShortFrom(searcher);
if (config_.isMember("format-" + briefName)) {
const auto propName = "format-" + briefName;
layoutName = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), config_[propName].asString());
} else {
layoutName = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), searcher);
layoutName_ = layoutName;
spdlog::debug("hyprland language initLanguage found {}", layoutName_);
@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#include "modules/hyprland/submap.hpp"
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#include <util/sanitize_str.hpp>
namespace waybar::modules::hyprland {
Submap::Submap(const std::string& id, const Bar& bar, const Json::Value& config)
: ALabel(config, "submap", id, "{}", 0, true), bar_(bar) {
modulesReady = true;
if (!gIPC.get()) {
gIPC = std::make_unique<IPC>();
// register for hyprland ipc
gIPC->registerForIPC("submap", this);
Submap::~Submap() {
// wait for possible event handler to finish
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mutex_);
auto Submap::update() -> void {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mutex_);
if (submap_.empty()) {
} else {
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), submap_));
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
// Call parent update
void Submap::onEvent(const std::string& ev) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lg(mutex_);
if (ev.find("submap") == std::string::npos) {
auto submapName = ev.substr(ev.find_last_of('>') + 1);
submapName = waybar::util::sanitize_string(submapName);
submap_ = submapName;
spdlog::debug("hyprland submap onevent with {}", submap_);
} // namespace waybar::modules::hyprland
@ -40,8 +40,8 @@ auto Window::update() -> void {
if (!format_.empty()) {
fmt::format(format_, waybar::util::rewriteTitle(lastView, config_["rewrite"])));
waybar::util::rewriteTitle(lastView, config_["rewrite"])));
} else {
@ -63,19 +63,13 @@ auto waybar::modules::IdleInhibitor::update() -> void {
std::string status_text = status ? "activated" : "deactivated";
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, fmt::arg("status", status_text),
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), fmt::arg("status", status_text),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(0, status_text))));
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
status ? fmt::format(config_["tooltip-format-activated"].isString()
? config_["tooltip-format-activated"].asString()
: "{status}",
fmt::arg("status", status_text),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(0, status_text)))
: fmt::format(config_["tooltip-format-deactivated"].isString()
? config_["tooltip-format-deactivated"].asString()
: "{status}",
auto config = config_[status ? "tooltip-format-activated" : "tooltip-format-deactivated"];
auto tooltip_format = config.isString() ? config.asString() : "{status}";
fmt::arg("status", status_text),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(0, status_text))));
@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
#include "modules/image.hpp"
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
waybar::modules::Image::Image(const std::string& name, const std::string& id,
const Json::Value& config)
: AModule(config, "image-" + name, id, "{}") {
waybar::modules::Image::Image(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
: AModule(config, "image", id), box_(Gtk::ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL, 0) {
if (!id.empty()) {
path_ = config["path"].asString();
size_ = config["size"].asInt();
interval_ = config_["interval"].asInt();
@ -40,8 +41,17 @@ void waybar::modules::Image::refresh(int sig) {
auto waybar::modules::Image::update() -> void {
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf;
util::command::res output_;
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Pixbuf> pixbuf;
if (config_["path"].isString()) {
path_ = config_["path"].asString();
} else if (config_["exec"].isString()) {
output_ = util::command::exec(config_["exec"].asString());
path_ = output_.out;
} else {
path_ = "";
if (Glib::file_test(path_, Glib::FILE_TEST_EXISTS))
pixbuf = Gdk::Pixbuf::create_from_file(path_, size_, size_);
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ auto Inhibitor::update() -> void {
std::string status_text = activated() ? "activated" : "deactivated";
label_.get_style_context()->remove_class(activated() ? "deactivated" : "activated");
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, fmt::arg("status", status_text),
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), fmt::arg("status", status_text),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(0, status_text))));
@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ auto JACK::update() -> void {
} else
format = "{load}%";
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("load", std::round(load_)),
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("load", std::round(load_)),
fmt::arg("bufsize", bufsize_), fmt::arg("samplerate", samplerate_),
fmt::arg("latency", fmt::format("{:.2f}", latency)),
fmt::arg("xruns", xruns_)));
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ auto JACK::update() -> void {
std::string tooltip_format = "{bufsize}/{samplerate} {latency}ms";
if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
tooltip_format, fmt::arg("load", std::round(load_)), fmt::arg("bufsize", bufsize_),
fmt::arg("samplerate", samplerate_), fmt::arg("latency", fmt::format("{:.2f}", latency)),
fmt::arg("xruns", xruns_)));
fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("load", std::round(load_)),
fmt::arg("bufsize", bufsize_), fmt::arg("samplerate", samplerate_),
fmt::arg("latency", fmt::format("{:.2f}", latency)), fmt::arg("xruns", xruns_)));
// Call parent update
@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ auto waybar::modules::KeyboardState::update() -> void {
for (auto& label_state : label_states) {
std::string text;
text = fmt::format(label_state.format,
text = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(label_state.format),
fmt::arg("icon", label_state.state ? icon_locked_ : icon_unlocked_),
@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ auto waybar::modules::Memory::update() -> void {
auto icons = std::vector<std::string>{state};
format, used_ram_percentage, fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(used_ram_percentage, icons)),
fmt::runtime(format), used_ram_percentage,
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(used_ram_percentage, icons)),
fmt::arg("total", total_ram_gigabytes), fmt::arg("swapTotal", total_swap_gigabytes),
fmt::arg("percentage", used_ram_percentage),
fmt::arg("swapPercentage", used_swap_percentage), fmt::arg("used", used_ram_gigabytes),
@ -68,8 +69,8 @@ auto waybar::modules::Memory::update() -> void {
if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) {
auto tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
tooltip_format, used_ram_percentage, fmt::arg("total", total_ram_gigabytes),
fmt::arg("swapTotal", total_swap_gigabytes),
fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), used_ram_percentage,
fmt::arg("total", total_ram_gigabytes), fmt::arg("swapTotal", total_swap_gigabytes),
fmt::arg("percentage", used_ram_percentage),
fmt::arg("swapPercentage", used_swap_percentage), fmt::arg("used", used_ram_gigabytes),
fmt::arg("swapUsed", used_swap_gigabytes), fmt::arg("avail", available_ram_gigabytes),
@ -103,7 +103,6 @@ void waybar::modules::MPD::setLabel() {
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
std::string tooltip_format;
tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format-disconnected"].isString()
@ -175,14 +174,14 @@ void waybar::modules::MPD::setLabel() {
try {
auto text = fmt::format(
format, fmt::arg("artist", artist.raw()), fmt::arg("albumArtist", album_artist.raw()),
fmt::arg("album", album.raw()), fmt::arg("title", title.raw()), fmt::arg("date", date),
fmt::arg("volume", volume), fmt::arg("elapsedTime", elapsedTime),
fmt::arg("totalTime", totalTime), fmt::arg("songPosition", song_pos),
fmt::arg("queueLength", queue_length), fmt::arg("stateIcon", stateIcon),
fmt::arg("consumeIcon", consumeIcon), fmt::arg("randomIcon", randomIcon),
fmt::arg("repeatIcon", repeatIcon), fmt::arg("singleIcon", singleIcon),
fmt::arg("filename", filename));
fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("artist", artist.raw()),
fmt::arg("albumArtist", album_artist.raw()), fmt::arg("album", album.raw()),
fmt::arg("title", title.raw()), fmt::arg("date", date), fmt::arg("volume", volume),
fmt::arg("elapsedTime", elapsedTime), fmt::arg("totalTime", totalTime),
fmt::arg("songPosition", song_pos), fmt::arg("queueLength", queue_length),
fmt::arg("stateIcon", stateIcon), fmt::arg("consumeIcon", consumeIcon),
fmt::arg("randomIcon", randomIcon), fmt::arg("repeatIcon", repeatIcon),
fmt::arg("singleIcon", singleIcon), fmt::arg("filename", filename));
if (text.empty()) {
} else {
@ -199,7 +198,7 @@ void waybar::modules::MPD::setLabel() {
: "MPD (connected)";
try {
auto tooltip_text =
fmt::format(tooltip_format, fmt::arg("artist", artist.raw()),
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("artist", artist.raw()),
fmt::arg("albumArtist", album_artist.raw()), fmt::arg("album", album.raw()),
fmt::arg("title", title.raw()), fmt::arg("date", date),
fmt::arg("volume", volume), fmt::arg("elapsedTime", elapsedTime),
@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
#include "modules/mpris/mpris.hpp"
#include <fmt/core.h>
#include <optional>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
extern "C" {
#include <playerctl/playerctl.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
namespace waybar::modules::mpris {
const std::string DEFAULT_FORMAT = "{player} ({status}): {dynamic}";
Mpris::Mpris(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
: AModule(config, "mpris", id),
player() {
event_box_.signal_button_press_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &Mpris::handleToggle));
if (config_["format"].isString()) {
format_ = config_["format"].asString();
if (config_["format-playing"].isString()) {
format_playing_ = config_["format-playing"].asString();
if (config_["format-paused"].isString()) {
format_paused_ = config_["format-paused"].asString();
if (config_["format-stopped"].isString()) {
format_stopped_ = config_["format-stopped"].asString();
if (config_["interval"].isUInt()) {
interval_ = std::chrono::seconds(config_["interval"].asUInt());
if (config_["player"].isString()) {
player_ = config_["player"].asString();
if (config_["ignored-players"].isArray()) {
for (auto it = config_["ignored-players"].begin(); it != config_["ignored-players"].end();
++it) {
GError* error = nullptr;
manager = playerctl_player_manager_new(&error);
if (error) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("unable to create MPRIS client: {}", error->message));
g_object_connect(manager, "signal::name-appeared", G_CALLBACK(onPlayerNameAppeared), this, NULL);
g_object_connect(manager, "signal::name-vanished", G_CALLBACK(onPlayerNameVanished), this, NULL);
if (player_ == "playerctld") {
// use playerctld proxy
PlayerctlPlayerName name = {
.instance = (gchar*)player_.c_str(),
player = playerctl_player_new_from_name(&name, &error);
} else {
GList* players = playerctl_list_players(&error);
if (error) {
auto e = fmt::format("unable to list players: {}", error->message);
throw std::runtime_error(e);
for (auto p = players; p != NULL; p = p->next) {
auto pn = static_cast<PlayerctlPlayerName*>(p->data);
if (strcmp(pn->name, player_.c_str()) == 0) {
player = playerctl_player_new_from_name(pn, &error);
if (error) {
throw std::runtime_error(
fmt::format("unable to connect to player {}: {}", player_, error->message));
if (player) {
g_object_connect(player, "signal::play", G_CALLBACK(onPlayerPlay), this, "signal::pause",
G_CALLBACK(onPlayerPause), this, "signal::stop", G_CALLBACK(onPlayerStop),
this, "signal::stop", G_CALLBACK(onPlayerStop), this, "signal::metadata",
G_CALLBACK(onPlayerMetadata), this, NULL);
// allow setting an interval count that triggers periodic refreshes
if (interval_.count() > 0) {
thread_ = [this] {
// trigger initial update
Mpris::~Mpris() {
if (manager != NULL) g_object_unref(manager);
if (player != NULL) g_object_unref(player);
auto Mpris::getIcon(const Json::Value& icons, const std::string& key) -> std::string {
if (icons.isObject()) {
if (icons[key].isString()) {
return icons[key].asString();
} else if (icons["default"].isString()) {
return icons["default"].asString();
return "";
auto Mpris::onPlayerNameAppeared(PlayerctlPlayerManager* manager, PlayerctlPlayerName* player_name,
gpointer data) -> void {
Mpris* mpris = static_cast<Mpris*>(data);
if (!mpris) return;
spdlog::debug("mpris: name-appeared callback: {}", player_name->name);
if (std::string(player_name->name) != mpris->player_) {
GError* error = nullptr;
mpris->player = playerctl_player_new_from_name(player_name, &error);
g_object_connect(mpris->player, "signal::play", G_CALLBACK(onPlayerPlay), mpris, "signal::pause",
G_CALLBACK(onPlayerPause), mpris, "signal::stop", G_CALLBACK(onPlayerStop),
mpris, "signal::stop", G_CALLBACK(onPlayerStop), mpris, "signal::metadata",
G_CALLBACK(onPlayerMetadata), mpris, NULL);
auto Mpris::onPlayerNameVanished(PlayerctlPlayerManager* manager, PlayerctlPlayerName* player_name,
gpointer data) -> void {
Mpris* mpris = static_cast<Mpris*>(data);
if (!mpris) return;
spdlog::debug("mpris: player-vanished callback: {}", player_name->name);
if (std::string(player_name->name) == mpris->player_) {
mpris->player = nullptr;
auto Mpris::onPlayerPlay(PlayerctlPlayer* player, gpointer data) -> void {
Mpris* mpris = static_cast<Mpris*>(data);
if (!mpris) return;
spdlog::debug("mpris: player-play callback");
// update widget
auto Mpris::onPlayerPause(PlayerctlPlayer* player, gpointer data) -> void {
Mpris* mpris = static_cast<Mpris*>(data);
if (!mpris) return;
spdlog::debug("mpris: player-pause callback");
// update widget
auto Mpris::onPlayerStop(PlayerctlPlayer* player, gpointer data) -> void {
Mpris* mpris = static_cast<Mpris*>(data);
if (!mpris) return;
spdlog::debug("mpris: player-stop callback");
// hide widget
// update widget
auto Mpris::onPlayerMetadata(PlayerctlPlayer* player, GVariant* metadata, gpointer data) -> void {
Mpris* mpris = static_cast<Mpris*>(data);
if (!mpris) return;
spdlog::debug("mpris: player-metadata callback");
// update widget
auto Mpris::getPlayerInfo() -> std::optional<PlayerInfo> {
if (!player) {
return std::nullopt;
GError* error = nullptr;
char* player_status = nullptr;
auto player_playback_status = PLAYERCTL_PLAYBACK_STATUS_STOPPED;
g_object_get(player, "status", &player_status, "playback-status", &player_playback_status, NULL);
std::string player_name = player_;
if (player_name == "playerctld") {
GList* players = playerctl_list_players(&error);
if (error) {
auto e = fmt::format("unable to list players: {}", error->message);
throw std::runtime_error(e);
// > get the list of players [..] in order of activity
players = g_list_first(players);
if (players) player_name = static_cast<PlayerctlPlayerName*>(players->data)->name;
if (std::any_of(ignored_players_.begin(), ignored_players_.end(),
[&](const std::string& pn) { return player_name == pn; })) {
spdlog::warn("mpris[{}]: ignoring player update", player_name);
return std::nullopt;
// make status lowercase
player_status[0] = std::tolower(player_status[0]);
PlayerInfo info = {
.name = player_name,
.status = player_playback_status,
.status_string = player_status,
if (auto artist_ = playerctl_player_get_artist(player, &error)) {
spdlog::debug("mpris[{}]: artist = {}",, artist_);
info.artist = Glib::Markup::escape_text(artist_);
if (error) goto errorexit;
if (auto album_ = playerctl_player_get_album(player, &error)) {
spdlog::debug("mpris[{}]: album = {}",, album_);
info.album = Glib::Markup::escape_text(album_);
if (error) goto errorexit;
if (auto title_ = playerctl_player_get_title(player, &error)) {
spdlog::debug("mpris[{}]: title = {}",, title_);
info.title = Glib::Markup::escape_text(title_);
if (error) goto errorexit;
if (auto length_ = playerctl_player_print_metadata_prop(player, "mpris:length", &error)) {
spdlog::debug("mpris[{}]: mpris:length = {}",, length_);
std::chrono::microseconds len = std::chrono::microseconds(std::strtol(length_, nullptr, 10));
auto len_h = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::hours>(len);
auto len_m = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::minutes>(len - len_h);
auto len_s = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(len - len_m);
info.length = fmt::format("{:02}:{:02}:{:02}", len_h.count(), len_m.count(), len_s.count());
if (error) goto errorexit;
return info;
spdlog::error("mpris[{}]: {}",, error->message);
return std::nullopt;
bool Mpris::handleToggle(GdkEventButton* const& e) {
GError* error = nullptr;
auto info = getPlayerInfo();
if (!info) return false;
if (e->type == GdkEventType::GDK_BUTTON_PRESS) {
switch (e->button) {
case 1: // left-click
if (config_["on-click"].isString()) {
return AModule::handleToggle(e);
playerctl_player_play_pause(player, &error);
case 2: // middle-click
if (config_["on-middle-click"].isString()) {
return AModule::handleToggle(e);
playerctl_player_previous(player, &error);
case 3: // right-click
if (config_["on-right-click"].isString()) {
return AModule::handleToggle(e);
playerctl_player_next(player, &error);
if (error) {
spdlog::error("mpris[{}]: error running builtin on-click action: {}", (*info).name,
return false;
return true;
auto Mpris::update() -> void {
auto opt = getPlayerInfo();
if (!opt) {
auto info = *opt;
spdlog::debug("mpris[{}]: player stopped, skipping update",;
spdlog::debug("mpris[{}]: running update",;
// dynamic is the auto-formatted string containing a nice out-of-the-box
// format text
std::stringstream dynamic;
if (info.artist) dynamic << *info.artist << " - ";
if (info.album) dynamic << *info.album << " - ";
if (info.title) dynamic << *info.title;
if (info.length)
dynamic << " "
<< "<small>"
<< "[" << *info.length << "]"
<< "</small>";
// set css class for player status
if (!lastStatus.empty() && box_.get_style_context()->has_class(lastStatus)) {
if (!box_.get_style_context()->has_class(info.status_string)) {
lastStatus = info.status_string;
// set css class for player name
if (!lastPlayer.empty() && box_.get_style_context()->has_class(lastPlayer)) {
if (!box_.get_style_context()->has_class( {
lastPlayer =;
auto formatstr = format_;
switch (info.status) {
if (!format_playing_.empty()) formatstr = format_playing_;
if (!format_paused_.empty()) formatstr = format_paused_;
if (!format_stopped_.empty()) formatstr = format_stopped_;
auto label_format =
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(formatstr), fmt::arg("player",,
fmt::arg("status", info.status_string), fmt::arg("artist", *info.artist),
fmt::arg("title", *info.title), fmt::arg("album", *info.album),
fmt::arg("length", *info.length), fmt::arg("dynamic", dynamic.str()),
fmt::arg("player_icon", getIcon(config_["player-icons"],,
fmt::arg("status_icon", getIcon(config_["status-icons"], info.status_string)));
// call parent update
} // namespace waybar::modules::mpris
@ -331,7 +331,7 @@ auto waybar::modules::Network::update() -> void {
auto text = fmt::format(
format_, fmt::arg("essid", essid_), fmt::arg("signaldBm", signal_strength_dbm_),
fmt::runtime(format_), fmt::arg("essid", essid_), fmt::arg("signaldBm", signal_strength_dbm_),
fmt::arg("signalStrength", signal_strength_),
fmt::arg("signalStrengthApp", signal_strength_app_), fmt::arg("ifname", ifname_),
fmt::arg("netmask", netmask_), fmt::arg("ipaddr", ipaddr_), fmt::arg("gwaddr", gwaddr_),
@ -363,8 +363,8 @@ auto waybar::modules::Network::update() -> void {
if (!tooltip_format.empty()) {
auto tooltip_text = fmt::format(
tooltip_format, fmt::arg("essid", essid_), fmt::arg("signaldBm", signal_strength_dbm_),
fmt::arg("signalStrength", signal_strength_),
fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("essid", essid_),
fmt::arg("signaldBm", signal_strength_dbm_), fmt::arg("signalStrength", signal_strength_),
fmt::arg("signalStrengthApp", signal_strength_app_), fmt::arg("ifname", ifname_),
fmt::arg("netmask", netmask_), fmt::arg("ipaddr", ipaddr_), fmt::arg("gwaddr", gwaddr_),
fmt::arg("cidr", cidr_), fmt::arg("frequency", fmt::format("{:.1f}", frequency_)),
@ -294,9 +294,9 @@ auto waybar::modules::Pulseaudio::update() -> void {
format_source = config_["format-source"].asString();
format_source = fmt::format(format_source, fmt::arg("volume", source_volume_));
format_source = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_source), fmt::arg("volume", source_volume_));
auto text = fmt::format(
format, fmt::arg("desc", desc_), fmt::arg("volume", volume_),
fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("desc", desc_), fmt::arg("volume", volume_),
fmt::arg("format_source", format_source), fmt::arg("source_volume", source_volume_),
fmt::arg("source_desc", source_desc_), fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(volume_, getPulseIcon())));
if (text.empty()) {
@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ auto waybar::modules::Pulseaudio::update() -> void {
if (!tooltip_format.empty()) {
tooltip_format, fmt::arg("desc", desc_), fmt::arg("volume", volume_),
fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("desc", desc_), fmt::arg("volume", volume_),
fmt::arg("format_source", format_source), fmt::arg("source_volume", source_volume_),
fmt::arg("source_desc", source_desc_),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(volume_, getPulseIcon()))));
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ void Mode::handle_mode(const char *mode) {
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, Glib::Markup::escape_text(mode).raw()));
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), Glib::Markup::escape_text(mode).raw()));
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ void Window::handle_focused_view(const char *title) {
label_.hide(); // hide empty labels or labels with empty format
} else {
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, Glib::Markup::escape_text(title).raw()));
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), Glib::Markup::escape_text(title).raw()));
@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ auto Sndio::update() -> void {
auto text = fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("volume", vol), fmt::arg("raw_value", volume_));
auto text =
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("volume", vol), fmt::arg("raw_value", volume_));
if (text.empty()) {
} else {
@ -118,7 +119,6 @@ auto Sndio::update() -> void {
@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdexcept>
namespace waybar::modules::sway {
Ipc::Ipc() {
@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ void Language::onEvent(const struct Ipc::ipc_response& res) {
auto Language::update() -> void {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
auto display_layout = trim(fmt::format(
format_, fmt::arg("short", layout_.short_name),
fmt::runtime(format_), fmt::arg("short", layout_.short_name),
fmt::arg("shortDescription", layout_.short_description), fmt::arg("long", layout_.full_name),
fmt::arg("variant", layout_.variant), fmt::arg("flag", layout_.country_flag())));
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
if (tooltip_format_ != "") {
auto tooltip_display_layout = trim(
fmt::format(tooltip_format_, fmt::arg("short", layout_.short_name),
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(tooltip_format_), fmt::arg("short", layout_.short_name),
fmt::arg("shortDescription", layout_.short_description),
fmt::arg("long", layout_.full_name), fmt::arg("variant", layout_.variant),
fmt::arg("flag", layout_.country_flag())));
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ auto Mode::update() -> void {
if (mode_.empty()) {
} else {
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, mode_));
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), mode_));
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
@ -32,7 +32,8 @@ auto Scratchpad::update() -> void {
if (count_ || show_empty_) {
fmt::format(format_, fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(count_, "", config_["format-icons"].size())),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(count_, "", config_["format-icons"].size())),
fmt::arg("count", count_)));
if (tooltip_enabled_) {
@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ auto Scratchpad::onCmd(const struct Ipc::ipc_response& res) -> void {
if (tooltip_enabled_) {
for (const auto& window : tree["nodes"][0]["nodes"][0]["floating_nodes"]) {
tooltip_text_.append(fmt::format(tooltip_format_ + '\n',
tooltip_text_.append(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(tooltip_format_ + '\n'),
fmt::arg("app", window["app_id"].asString()),
fmt::arg("title", window["name"].asString())));
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
namespace waybar::modules::sway {
Window::Window(const std::string& id, const Bar& bar, const Json::Value& config)
: AIconLabel(config, "window", id, "{title}", 0, true), bar_(bar), windowId_(-1) {
: AIconLabel(config, "window", id, "{}", 0, true), bar_(bar), windowId_(-1) {
// Icon size
if (config_["icon-size"].isUInt()) {
app_icon_size_ = config["icon-size"].asUInt();
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ Window::Window(const std::string& id, const Bar& bar, const Json::Value& config)
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
spdlog::error("Window: {}", e.what());
spdlog::trace("Window::Window exception");
@ -46,12 +47,13 @@ void Window::onCmd(const struct Ipc::ipc_response& res) {
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);
auto payload = parser_.parse(res.payload);
auto output = payload["output"].isString() ? payload["output"].asString() : "";
std::tie(app_nb_, windowId_, window_, app_id_, app_class_, shell_) =
std::tie(app_nb_, floating_count_, windowId_, window_, app_id_, app_class_, shell_, layout_) =
getFocusedNode(payload["nodes"], output);
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
spdlog::error("Window: {}", e.what());
spdlog::trace("Window::onCmd exception");
@ -156,29 +158,55 @@ void Window::updateAppIcon() {
auto Window::update() -> void {
if (!old_app_id_.empty()) {
spdlog::trace("workspace layout {}, tiled count {}, floating count {}", layout_, app_nb_,
int mode = 0;
if (app_nb_ == 0) {
if (!bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class("empty")) {
if (floating_count_ == 0) {
mode += 1;
} else {
mode += 4;
} else if (app_nb_ == 1) {
if (!bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class("solo")) {
mode += 2;
} else {
if (layout_ == "tabbed") {
mode += 8;
} else if (layout_ == "stacked") {
mode += 16;
} else {
mode += 32;
if (!app_id_.empty() && !bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class(app_id_)) {
old_app_id_ = app_id_;
} else {
format_, fmt::arg("title", waybar::util::rewriteTitle(window_, config_["rewrite"])),
if (!old_app_id_.empty() && ((mode & 2) == 0 || old_app_id_ != app_id_) &&
bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class(old_app_id_)) {
spdlog::trace("Removing app_id class: {}", old_app_id_);
old_app_id_ = "";
setClass("empty", ((mode & 1) > 0));
setClass("solo", ((mode & 2) > 0));
setClass("floating", ((mode & 4) > 0));
setClass("tabbed", ((mode & 8) > 0));
setClass("stacked", ((mode & 16) > 0));
setClass("tiled", ((mode & 32) > 0));
if ((mode & 2) > 0 && !app_id_.empty() && !bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class(app_id_)) {
spdlog::trace("Adding app_id class: {}", app_id_);
old_app_id_ = app_id_;
fmt::arg("title", waybar::util::rewriteTitle(window_, config_["rewrite"])),
fmt::arg("app_id", app_id_), fmt::arg("shell", shell_)));
if (tooltipEnabled()) {
@ -190,71 +218,143 @@ auto Window::update() -> void {
int leafNodesInWorkspace(const Json::Value& node) {
void Window::setClass(std::string classname, bool enable) {
if (enable) {
if (!bar_.window.get_style_context()->has_class(classname)) {
} else {
std::pair<int, int> leafNodesInWorkspace(const Json::Value& node) {
auto const& nodes = node["nodes"];
auto const& floating_nodes = node["floating_nodes"];
if (nodes.empty() && floating_nodes.empty()) {
if (node["type"] == "workspace")
return 0;
return 1;
if (node["type"].asString() == "workspace")
return {0, 0};
else if (node["type"].asString() == "floating_con") {
return {0, 1};
} else {
return {1, 0};
int sum = 0;
if (!nodes.empty()) {
for (auto const& node : nodes) sum += leafNodesInWorkspace(node);
int floating_sum = 0;
for (auto const& node : nodes) {
std::pair all_leaf_nodes = leafNodesInWorkspace(node);
sum += all_leaf_nodes.first;
floating_sum += all_leaf_nodes.second;
if (!floating_nodes.empty()) {
for (auto const& node : floating_nodes) sum += leafNodesInWorkspace(node);
for (auto const& node : floating_nodes) {
std::pair all_leaf_nodes = leafNodesInWorkspace(node);
sum += all_leaf_nodes.first;
floating_sum += all_leaf_nodes.second;
return sum;
return {sum, floating_sum};
std::tuple<std::size_t, int, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string> gfnWithWorkspace(
const Json::Value& nodes, std::string& output, const Json::Value& config_, const Bar& bar_,
Json::Value& parentWorkspace) {
std::tuple<std::size_t, int, int, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string>
gfnWithWorkspace(const Json::Value& nodes, std::string& output, const Json::Value& config_,
const Bar& bar_, Json::Value& parentWorkspace,
const Json::Value& immediateParent) {
for (auto const& node : nodes) {
if (node["output"].isString()) {
output = node["output"].asString();
if (node["type"].asString() == "output") {
if ((!config_["all-outputs"].asBool() || config_["offscreen-css"].asBool()) &&
(node["name"].asString() != bar_.output->name)) {
output = node["name"].asString();
} else if (node["type"].asString() == "workspace") {
// needs to be a string comparison, because filterWorkspace is the current_workspace
if (node["name"].asString() != immediateParent["current_workspace"].asString()) {
if (node["focused"].asBool()) {
std::pair all_leaf_nodes = leafNodesInWorkspace(node);
return {all_leaf_nodes.first,
(((all_leaf_nodes.first > 0) || (all_leaf_nodes.second > 0)) &&
? node["name"].asString()
: "",
parentWorkspace = node;
} else if ((node["type"].asString() == "con" || node["type"].asString() == "floating_con") &&
(node["focused"].asBool())) {
// found node
if (node["focused"].asBool() && (node["type"] == "con" || node["type"] == "floating_con")) {
if ((!config_["all-outputs"].asBool() && output == bar_.output->name) ||
config_["all-outputs"].asBool()) {
spdlog::trace("actual output {}, output found {}, node (focused) found {}", bar_.output->name,
output, node["name"].asString());
auto app_id = node["app_id"].isString() ? node["app_id"].asString()
: node["window_properties"]["instance"].asString();
const auto app_class = node["window_properties"]["class"].isString()
? node["window_properties"]["class"].asString()
: "";
const auto shell = node["shell"].isString() ? node["shell"].asString() : "";
int nb = node.size();
if (parentWorkspace != 0) nb = leafNodesInWorkspace(parentWorkspace);
return {nb, node["id"].asInt(), Glib::Markup::escape_text(node["name"].asString()),
app_id, app_class, shell};
int floating_count = 0;
std::string workspace_layout = "";
if (!parentWorkspace.isNull()) {
std::pair all_leaf_nodes = leafNodesInWorkspace(parentWorkspace);
nb = all_leaf_nodes.first;
floating_count = all_leaf_nodes.second;
workspace_layout = parentWorkspace["layout"].asString();
// iterate
if (node["type"] == "workspace") parentWorkspace = node;
auto [nb, id, name, app_id, app_class, shell] =
gfnWithWorkspace(node["nodes"], output, config_, bar_, parentWorkspace);
if (id > -1 && !name.empty()) {
return {nb, id, name, app_id, app_class, shell};
// Search for floating node
std::tie(nb, id, name, app_id, app_class, shell) =
gfnWithWorkspace(node["floating_nodes"], output, config_, bar_, parentWorkspace);
if (id > -1 && !name.empty()) {
return {nb, id, name, app_id, app_class, shell};
return {0, -1, "", "", "", ""};
return {nb,
std::tuple<std::size_t, int, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string>
// iterate
auto [nb, f, id, name, app_id, app_class, shell, workspace_layout] =
gfnWithWorkspace(node["nodes"], output, config_, bar_, parentWorkspace, node);
auto [nb2, f2, id2, name2, app_id2, app_class2, shell2, workspace_layout2] =
gfnWithWorkspace(node["floating_nodes"], output, config_, bar_, parentWorkspace, node);
// if ((id > 0 || ((id2 < 0 || name2.empty()) && id > -1)) && !name.empty()) {
if ((id > 0) || (id2 < 0 && id > -1)) {
return {nb, f, id, name, app_id, app_class, shell, workspace_layout};
} else if (id2 > 0 && !name2.empty()) {
return {nb2, f2, id2, name2, app_id2, app_class, shell2, workspace_layout2};
// this only comes into effect when no focused children are present
if (config_["all-outputs"].asBool() && config_["offscreen-css"].asBool() &&
immediateParent["type"].asString() == "workspace") {
std::pair all_leaf_nodes = leafNodesInWorkspace(immediateParent);
// using an empty string as default ensures that no window depending styles are set due to the
// checks above for !name.empty()
return {all_leaf_nodes.first,
(all_leaf_nodes.first > 0 || all_leaf_nodes.second > 0)
? config_["offscreen-css-text"].asString()
: "",
return {0, 0, -1, "", "", "", "", ""};
std::tuple<std::size_t, int, int, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string>
Window::getFocusedNode(const Json::Value& nodes, std::string& output) {
Json::Value placeholder = 0;
return gfnWithWorkspace(nodes, output, config_, bar_, placeholder);
Json::Value placeholder = Json::Value::null;
return gfnWithWorkspace(nodes, output, config_, bar_, placeholder, placeholder);
void Window::getTree() {
@ -262,6 +362,7 @@ void Window::getTree() {
} catch (const std::exception& e) {
spdlog::error("Window: {}", e.what());
spdlog::trace("Window::getTree exception");
@ -130,6 +130,10 @@ void Workspaces::onCmd(const struct Ipc::ipc_response &res) {
// In a first pass, the maximum "num" value is computed to enqueue
// unnumbered workspaces behind numbered ones when computing the sort
// attribute.
// Note: if the 'alphabetical_sort' option is true, the user is in
// agreement that the "workspace prev/next" commands may not follow
// the order displayed in Waybar.
int max_num = -1;
for (auto &workspace : workspaces_) {
max_num = std::max(workspace["num"].asInt(), max_num);
@ -143,16 +147,19 @@ void Workspaces::onCmd(const struct Ipc::ipc_response &res) {
std::sort(workspaces_.begin(), workspaces_.end(),
[](const Json::Value &lhs, const Json::Value &rhs) {
[this](const Json::Value &lhs, const Json::Value &rhs) {
auto lname = lhs["name"].asString();
auto rname = rhs["name"].asString();
int l = lhs["sort"].asInt();
int r = rhs["sort"].asInt();
if (l == r) {
if (l == r || config_["alphabetical_sort"].asBool()) {
// In case both integers are the same, lexicographical
// sort. The code above already ensure that this will only
// happend in case of explicitly numbered workspaces.
// Additionally, if the config specifies to sort workspaces
// alphabetically do this here.
return lname < rname;
@ -226,7 +233,7 @@ auto Workspaces::update() -> void {
std::string output = (*it)["name"].asString();
if (config_["format"].isString()) {
auto format = config_["format"].asString();
output = fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(output, *it)),
output = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(output, *it)),
fmt::arg("value", output), fmt::arg("name", trimWorkspaceName(output)),
fmt::arg("index", (*it)["num"].asString()));
@ -252,11 +259,9 @@ Gtk::Button &Workspaces::addButton(const Json::Value &node) {
try {
if (node["target_output"].isString()) {
fmt::format(workspace_switch_cmd_ + "; move workspace to output \"{}\"; " +
"--no-auto-back-and-forth", node["name"].asString(),
node["target_output"].asString(), "--no-auto-back-and-forth",
fmt::format(persistent_workspace_switch_cmd_, "--no-auto-back-and-forth",
node["name"].asString(), node["target_output"].asString(),
"--no-auto-back-and-forth", node["name"].asString()));
} else {
ipc_.sendCmd(IPC_COMMAND, fmt::format("workspace {} \"{}\"",
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ auto waybar::modules::Temperature::update() -> void {
auto max_temp = config_["critical-threshold"].isInt() ? config_["critical-threshold"].asInt() : 0;
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("temperatureC", temperature_c),
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("temperatureC", temperature_c),
fmt::arg("temperatureF", temperature_f),
fmt::arg("temperatureK", temperature_k),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(temperature_c, "", max_temp))));
@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ auto waybar::modules::Temperature::update() -> void {
if (config_["tooltip-format"].isString()) {
tooltip_format = config_["tooltip-format"].asString();
label_.set_tooltip_text(fmt::format(tooltip_format, fmt::arg("temperatureC", temperature_c),
fmt::arg("temperatureF", temperature_f),
fmt::arg("temperatureK", temperature_k)));
fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("temperatureC", temperature_c),
fmt::arg("temperatureF", temperature_f), fmt::arg("temperatureK", temperature_k)));
// Call parent update
@ -336,8 +336,8 @@ auto UPower::update() -> void {
std::string label_format =
fmt::format(showAltText ? format_alt : format, fmt::arg("percentage", percentString),
fmt::arg("time", time_format));
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(showAltText ? format_alt : format),
fmt::arg("percentage", percentString), fmt::arg("time", time_format));
// Only set the label text if it doesn't only contain spaces
bool onlySpaces = true;
for (auto& character : label_format) {
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ UPowerTooltip::~UPowerTooltip() {}
uint UPowerTooltip::updateTooltip(Devices& devices) {
// Removes all old devices
for (auto child : contentBox->get_children()) {
delete child;
uint deviceCount = 0;
@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ auto User::update() -> void {
auto startSystemTime = currentSystemTime - workSystemTimeSeconds;
long workSystemDays = uptimeSeconds / 86400;
auto label = fmt::format(ALabel::format_, fmt::arg("up_H", fmt::format("{:%H}", startSystemTime)),
auto label = fmt::format(
fmt::runtime(ALabel::format_), fmt::arg("up_H", fmt::format("{:%H}", startSystemTime)),
fmt::arg("up_M", fmt::format("{:%M}", startSystemTime)),
fmt::arg("up_d", fmt::format("{:%d}", startSystemTime)),
fmt::arg("up_m", fmt::format("{:%m}", startSystemTime)),
fmt::arg("up_Y", fmt::format("{:%Y}", startSystemTime)),
fmt::arg("work_d", workSystemDays),
fmt::arg("up_Y", fmt::format("{:%Y}", startSystemTime)), fmt::arg("work_d", workSystemDays),
fmt::arg("work_H", fmt::format("{:%H}", workSystemTimeSeconds)),
fmt::arg("work_M", fmt::format("{:%M}", workSystemTimeSeconds)),
fmt::arg("work_S", fmt::format("{:%S}", workSystemTimeSeconds)),
@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
#include "modules/wireplumber.hpp"
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
bool isValidNodeId(uint32_t id) { return id > 0 && id < G_MAXUINT32; }
waybar::modules::Wireplumber::Wireplumber(const std::string& id, const Json::Value& config)
: ALabel(config, "wireplumber", id, "{volume}%"),
node_id_(0) {
wp_core_ = wp_core_new(NULL, NULL);
apis_ = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func(g_object_unref);
om_ = wp_object_manager_new();
@ -18,10 +25,15 @@ waybar::modules::Wireplumber::Wireplumber(const std::string& id, const Json::Val
spdlog::debug("[{}]: connecting to pipewire...", this->name_);
if (!wp_core_connect(wp_core_)) {
spdlog::error("[{}]: Could not connect to PipeWire", this->name_);
throw std::runtime_error("Could not connect to PipeWire\n");
spdlog::debug("[{}]: connected!", this->name_);
g_signal_connect_swapped(om_, "installed", (GCallback)onObjectManagerInstalled, this);
@ -33,33 +45,26 @@ waybar::modules::Wireplumber::~Wireplumber() {
g_clear_pointer(&apis_, g_ptr_array_unref);
uint32_t waybar::modules::Wireplumber::getDefaultNodeId(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self) {
uint32_t id;
g_autoptr(WpPlugin) def_nodes_api = wp_plugin_find(self->wp_core_, "default-nodes-api");
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::updateNodeName(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self, uint32_t id) {
spdlog::debug("[{}]: updating node name with {}", self->name_, id);
if (!def_nodes_api) {
throw std::runtime_error("Default nodes API is not loaded\n");
if (!isValidNodeId(id)) {
spdlog::warn("[{}]: '{}' is not a valid node ID. Ignoring node name update.", self->name_, id);
g_signal_emit_by_name(def_nodes_api, "get-default-node", "Audio/Sink", &id);
if (id <= 0 || id >= G_MAXUINT32) {
auto err = fmt::format("'{}' is not a valid ID (returned by default-nodes-api)\n", id);
throw std::runtime_error(err);
return id;
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::updateNodeName(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self) {
auto proxy = static_cast<WpProxy*>(
wp_object_manager_lookup(self->om_, WP_TYPE_GLOBAL_PROXY, WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_G_PROPERTY,
"bound-id", "=u", self->node_id_, NULL));
auto proxy = static_cast<WpProxy*>(wp_object_manager_lookup(
self->om_, WP_TYPE_GLOBAL_PROXY, WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_G_PROPERTY, "bound-id", "=u", id, NULL));
if (!proxy) {
throw std::runtime_error(fmt::format("Object '{}' not found\n", self->node_id_));
auto err = fmt::format("Object '{}' not found\n", id);
spdlog::error("[{}]: {}", self->name_, err);
throw std::runtime_error(err);
g_autoptr(WpProperties) properties =
@ -73,15 +78,24 @@ void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::updateNodeName(waybar::modules::Wireplumber*
auto description = wp_properties_get(properties, "node.description");
self->node_name_ = nick ? nick : description;
spdlog::debug("[{}]: Updating node name to: {}", self->name_, self->node_name_);
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::updateVolume(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self) {
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::updateVolume(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self, uint32_t id) {
spdlog::debug("[{}]: updating volume", self->name_);
double vol;
GVariant* variant = NULL;
g_autoptr(WpPlugin) mixer_api = wp_plugin_find(self->wp_core_, "mixer-api");
g_signal_emit_by_name(mixer_api, "get-volume", self->node_id_, &variant);
if (!isValidNodeId(id)) {
spdlog::error("[{}]: '{}' is not a valid node ID. Ignoring volume update.", self->name_, id);
g_signal_emit_by_name(self->mixer_api_, "get-volume", id, &variant);
if (!variant) {
auto err = fmt::format("Node {} does not support volume\n", self->node_id_);
auto err = fmt::format("Node {} does not support volume\n", id);
spdlog::error("[{}]: {}", self->name_, err);
throw std::runtime_error(err);
@ -93,22 +107,121 @@ void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::updateVolume(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* se
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::onMixerChanged(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self, uint32_t id) {
spdlog::debug("[{}]: (onMixerChanged) - id: {}", self->name_, id);
g_autoptr(WpNode) node = static_cast<WpNode*>(wp_object_manager_lookup(
self->om_, WP_TYPE_NODE, WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_G_PROPERTY, "bound-id", "=u", id, NULL));
if (!node) {
spdlog::warn("[{}]: (onMixerChanged) - Object with id {} not found", self->name_, id);
const gchar* name = wp_pipewire_object_get_property(WP_PIPEWIRE_OBJECT(node), "");
if (g_strcmp0(self->default_node_name_, name) != 0) {
"[{}]: (onMixerChanged) - ignoring mixer update for node: id: {}, name: {} as it is not "
"the default node: {}",
self->name_, id, name, self->default_node_name_);
spdlog::debug("[{}]: (onMixerChanged) - Need to update volume for node with id {} and name {}",
self->name_, id, name);
updateVolume(self, id);
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::onDefaultNodesApiChanged(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self) {
spdlog::debug("[{}]: (onDefaultNodesApiChanged)", self->name_);
uint32_t default_node_id;
g_signal_emit_by_name(self->def_nodes_api_, "get-default-node", "Audio/Sink", &default_node_id);
if (!isValidNodeId(default_node_id)) {
spdlog::warn("[{}]: '{}' is not a valid node ID. Ignoring node change.", self->name_,
g_autoptr(WpNode) node = static_cast<WpNode*>(
wp_object_manager_lookup(self->om_, WP_TYPE_NODE, WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_G_PROPERTY, "bound-id",
"=u", default_node_id, NULL));
if (!node) {
spdlog::warn("[{}]: (onDefaultNodesApiChanged) - Object with id {} not found", self->name_,
const gchar* default_node_name =
wp_pipewire_object_get_property(WP_PIPEWIRE_OBJECT(node), "");
"[{}]: (onDefaultNodesApiChanged) - got the following default node: Node(name: {}, id: {})",
self->name_, default_node_name, default_node_id);
if (g_strcmp0(self->default_node_name_, default_node_name) == 0) {
"[{}]: (onDefaultNodesApiChanged) - Default node has not changed. Node(name: {}, id: {}). "
self->name_, self->default_node_name_, default_node_id);
"[{}]: (onDefaultNodesApiChanged) - Default node changed to -> Node(name: {}, id: {})",
self->name_, default_node_name, default_node_id);
self->default_node_name_ = g_strdup(default_node_name);
updateVolume(self, default_node_id);
updateNodeName(self, default_node_id);
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::onObjectManagerInstalled(waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self) {
self->node_id_ =
self->config_["node-id"].isInt() ? self->config_["node-id"].asInt() : getDefaultNodeId(self);
spdlog::debug("[{}]: onObjectManagerInstalled", self->name_);
g_autoptr(WpPlugin) mixer_api = wp_plugin_find(self->wp_core_, "mixer-api");
self->def_nodes_api_ = wp_plugin_find(self->wp_core_, "default-nodes-api");
g_signal_connect_swapped(mixer_api, "changed", (GCallback)updateVolume, self);
if (!self->def_nodes_api_) {
spdlog::error("[{}]: default nodes api is not loaded.", self->name_);
throw std::runtime_error("Default nodes API is not loaded\n");
self->mixer_api_ = wp_plugin_find(self->wp_core_, "mixer-api");
if (!self->mixer_api_) {
spdlog::error("[{}]: mixer api is not loaded.", self->name_);
throw std::runtime_error("Mixer api is not loaded\n");
uint32_t default_node_id;
g_signal_emit_by_name(self->def_nodes_api_, "get-default-configured-node-name", "Audio/Sink",
g_signal_emit_by_name(self->def_nodes_api_, "get-default-node", "Audio/Sink", &default_node_id);
if (self->default_node_name_) {
spdlog::debug("[{}]: (onObjectManagerInstalled) - default configured node name: {} and id: {}",
self->name_, self->default_node_name_, default_node_id);
updateVolume(self, default_node_id);
updateNodeName(self, default_node_id);
g_signal_connect_swapped(self->mixer_api_, "changed", (GCallback)onMixerChanged, self);
g_signal_connect_swapped(self->def_nodes_api_, "changed", (GCallback)onDefaultNodesApiChanged,
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::onPluginActivated(WpObject* p, GAsyncResult* res,
waybar::modules::Wireplumber* self) {
auto plugin_name = wp_plugin_get_name(WP_PLUGIN(p));
spdlog::debug("[{}]: onPluginActivated: {}", self->name_, plugin_name);
g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
if (!wp_object_activate_finish(p, res, &error)) {
spdlog::error("[{}]: error activating plugin: {}", self->name_, error->message);
throw std::runtime_error(error->message);
@ -118,6 +231,7 @@ void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::onPluginActivated(WpObject* p, GAsyncResult*
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::activatePlugins() {
spdlog::debug("[{}]: activating plugins", name_);
for (uint16_t i = 0; i < apis_->len; i++) {
WpPlugin* plugin = static_cast<WpPlugin*>(g_ptr_array_index(apis_, i));
@ -127,13 +241,13 @@ void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::activatePlugins() {
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::prepare() {
wp_object_manager_add_interest(om_, WP_TYPE_NODE, NULL);
wp_object_manager_add_interest(om_, WP_TYPE_GLOBAL_PROXY, NULL);
wp_object_manager_request_object_features(om_, WP_TYPE_GLOBAL_PROXY,
spdlog::debug("[{}]: preparing object manager", name_);
wp_object_manager_add_interest(om_, WP_TYPE_NODE, WP_CONSTRAINT_TYPE_PW_PROPERTY, "media.class",
"=s", "Audio/Sink", NULL);
void waybar::modules::Wireplumber::loadRequiredApiModules() {
spdlog::debug("[{}]: loading required modules", name_);
g_autoptr(GError) error = NULL;
if (!wp_core_load_component(wp_core_, "libwireplumber-module-default-nodes-api", "module", NULL,
@ -165,7 +279,7 @@ auto waybar::modules::Wireplumber::update() -> void {
std::string markup = fmt::format(format, fmt::arg("node_name", node_name_),
std::string markup = fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format), fmt::arg("node_name", node_name_),
fmt::arg("volume", volume_), fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(volume_)));
@ -177,9 +291,9 @@ auto waybar::modules::Wireplumber::update() -> void {
if (!tooltip_format.empty()) {
label_.set_tooltip_text(fmt::format(tooltip_format, fmt::arg("node_name", node_name_),
fmt::arg("volume", volume_),
fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(volume_))));
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(tooltip_format), fmt::arg("node_name", node_name_),
fmt::arg("volume", volume_), fmt::arg("icon", getIcon(volume_))));
} else {
@ -102,8 +102,11 @@ Glib::RefPtr<Gio::DesktopAppInfo> get_desktop_app_info(const std::string &app_id
desktop_file = desktop_list[0][i];
} else {
auto tmp_info = Gio::DesktopAppInfo::create(desktop_list[0][i]);
auto startup_class = tmp_info->get_startup_wm_class();
if (!tmp_info)
// see
auto startup_class = tmp_info->get_startup_wm_class();
if (startup_class == app_id) {
desktop_file = desktop_list[0][i];
@ -615,7 +618,8 @@ void Task::update() {
app_id = Glib::Markup::escape_text(app_id);
if (!format_before_.empty()) {
auto txt = fmt::format(format_before_, fmt::arg("title", title), fmt::arg("name", name),
auto txt =
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_before_), fmt::arg("title", title), fmt::arg("name", name),
fmt::arg("app_id", app_id), fmt::arg("state", state_string()),
fmt::arg("short_state", state_string(true)));
if (markup)
@ -625,7 +629,8 @@ void Task::update() {
if (!format_after_.empty()) {
auto txt = fmt::format(format_after_, fmt::arg("title", title), fmt::arg("name", name),
auto txt =
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_after_), fmt::arg("title", title), fmt::arg("name", name),
fmt::arg("app_id", app_id), fmt::arg("state", state_string()),
fmt::arg("short_state", state_string(true)));
if (markup)
@ -636,7 +641,8 @@ void Task::update() {
if (!format_tooltip_.empty()) {
auto txt = fmt::format(format_tooltip_, fmt::arg("title", title), fmt::arg("name", name),
auto txt =
fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_tooltip_), fmt::arg("title", title), fmt::arg("name", name),
fmt::arg("app_id", app_id), fmt::arg("state", state_string()),
fmt::arg("short_state", state_string(true)));
if (markup)
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include <stdexcept>
#include <vector>
#include "client.hpp"
#include "gtkmm/widget.h"
#include "modules/wlr/workspace_manager_binding.hpp"
@ -166,9 +167,21 @@ WorkspaceManager::~WorkspaceManager() {
wl_display *display = Client::inst()->wl_display;
// Send `stop` request and wait for one roundtrip. This is not quite correct as
// the protocol encourages us to wait for the .finished event, but it should work
// with wlroots workspace manager implementation.
// If the .finished handler is still not executed, destroy the workspace manager here.
if (workspace_manager_) {
spdlog::warn("Foreign toplevel manager destroyed before .finished event");
workspace_manager_ = nullptr;
auto WorkspaceManager::remove_workspace_group(uint32_t id) -> void {
auto it = std::find_if(groups_.begin(), groups_.end(),
@ -366,7 +379,7 @@ Workspace::~Workspace() {
auto Workspace::update() -> void {
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(format_, fmt::arg("name", name_),
label_.set_markup(fmt::format(fmt::runtime(format_), fmt::arg("name", name_),
fmt::arg("icon", with_icon_ ? get_icon() : "")));
@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
#include <glibmm.h>
#include <catch2/catch_all.hpp>
#if __has_include(<catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>)
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <thread>
#include <type_traits>
@ -1,6 +1,10 @@
#include "config.hpp"
#include <catch2/catch_all.hpp>
#if __has_include(<catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>)
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
TEST_CASE("Load simple config", "[config]") {
waybar::Config conf;
@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
#include "util/date.hpp"
#include <chrono>
#include <ctime>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include <stdexcept>
#if __has_include(<catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>)
#include <catch2/catch_test_macros.hpp>
#include <catch2/matchers/catch_matchers_all.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#ifndef SKIP
#define SKIP(...) \
WARN(__VA_ARGS__); \
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
* Check that the date/time formatter with locale and timezone support is working as expected.
const date::zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds> TEST_TIME = date::zoned_time{
"UTC", date::local_days{date::Monday[1] / date::January / 2022} + 13h + 4min + 5s};
* Check if the date formatted with LC_TIME=en_US is within expectations.
* The check expects Glibc output style and will fail with FreeBSD (different implementation)
* or musl (no implementation).
static const bool LC_TIME_is_sane = []() {
try {
std::stringstream ss;
time_t t = 1641211200;
std::tm tm = *std::gmtime(&t);
ss << std::put_time(&tm, "%x %X");
return ss.str() == "01/03/2022 12:00:00 PM";
} catch (std::exception &) {
return false;
TEST_CASE("Format UTC time", "[clock][util]") {
const auto loc = std::locale("C");
const auto tm = TEST_TIME;
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{:%c %Z}", tm) == "Mon Jan 3 13:04:05 2022 UTC");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103130405");
if (!LC_TIME_is_sane) {
SKIP("Locale support check failed, skip tests");
/* Test a few locales that are most likely to be present */
SECTION("US locale") {
try {
const auto loc = std::locale("en_US.UTF-8");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
CHECK_THAT(fmt::format(loc, "{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 01:04:05 PM"));
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{:%x %X}", tm) == "01/03/2022 01:04:05 PM");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103130405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error &) {
WARN("Locale en_US not found, skip tests");
SECTION("GB locale") {
try {
const auto loc = std::locale("en_GB.UTF-8");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
CHECK_THAT(fmt::format(loc, "{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 13:04:05"));
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{:%x %X}", tm) == "03/01/22 13:04:05");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103130405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error &) {
WARN("Locale en_GB not found, skip tests");
SECTION("Global locale") {
try {
const auto loc = std::locale::global(std::locale("en_US.UTF-8"));
CHECK(fmt::format("{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
CHECK_THAT(fmt::format("{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 01:04:05 PM"));
CHECK(fmt::format("{:%x %X}", tm) == "01/03/2022 01:04:05 PM");
CHECK(fmt::format("{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103130405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error &) {
WARN("Locale en_US not found, skip tests");
TEST_CASE("Format zoned time", "[clock][util]") {
const auto loc = std::locale("C");
const auto tm = date::zoned_time{"America/New_York", TEST_TIME};
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{:%c %Z}", tm) == "Mon Jan 3 08:04:05 2022 EST");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103080405");
if (!LC_TIME_is_sane) {
SKIP("Locale support check failed, skip tests");
/* Test a few locales that are most likely to be present */
SECTION("US locale") {
try {
const auto loc = std::locale("en_US.UTF-8");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
CHECK_THAT(fmt::format(loc, "{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 08:04:05 AM"));
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{:%x %X}", tm) == "01/03/2022 08:04:05 AM");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103080405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error &) {
WARN("Locale en_US not found, skip tests");
SECTION("GB locale") {
try {
const auto loc = std::locale("en_GB.UTF-8");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
CHECK_THAT(fmt::format(loc, "{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 08:04:05"));
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{:%x %X}", tm) == "03/01/22 08:04:05");
CHECK(fmt::format(loc, "{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103080405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error &) {
WARN("Locale en_GB not found, skip tests");
SECTION("Global locale") {
try {
const auto loc = std::locale::global(std::locale("en_US.UTF-8"));
CHECK(fmt::format("{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
CHECK_THAT(fmt::format("{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 08:04:05 AM"));
CHECK(fmt::format("{:%x %X}", tm) == "01/03/2022 08:04:05 AM");
CHECK(fmt::format("{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103080405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error &) {
WARN("Locale en_US not found, skip tests");
@ -3,8 +3,13 @@
#include <spdlog/sinks/stdout_sinks.h>
#include <spdlog/spdlog.h>
#if __has_include(<catch2/catch_all.hpp>)
#include <catch2/catch_all.hpp>
#include <catch2/reporters/catch_reporter_tap.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch.hpp>
#include <catch2/catch_reporter_tap.hpp>
#include <memory>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
@ -13,10 +18,16 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
session.applyCommandLine(argc, argv);
const auto logger = spdlog::default_logger();
for (const auto& spec : session.config().getReporterSpecs()) {
if ( == "tap") {
const auto& reporter_name =;
const auto& reporter_name = session.config().getReporterName();
if (reporter_name == "tap") {
spdlog::set_pattern("# [%l] %v");
} else if ( == "compact") {
} else if (reporter_name == "compact") {
} else {
@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ test_src = files(
if tz_dep.found()
test_dep += tz_dep
test_src += files('waybar_time.cpp')
test_src += files('date.cpp')
waybar_test = executable(
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
#include "util/waybar_time.hpp"
#include <date/date.h>
#include <date/tz.h>
#include <catch2/catch_all.hpp>
#include <chrono>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std::literals::chrono_literals;
* Check that the date/time formatter with locale and timezone support is working as expected.
const date::zoned_time<std::chrono::seconds> TEST_TIME = date::make_zoned(
"UTC", date::local_days{date::Monday[1] / date::January / 2022} + 13h + 4min + 5s);
TEST_CASE("Format UTC time", "[clock][util]") {
waybar::waybar_time tm{std::locale("C"), TEST_TIME};
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{:%c %Z}", tm) == "Mon Jan 3 13:04:05 2022 UTC");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103130405");
/* Test a few locales that are most likely to be present */
SECTION("US locale") {
try {
tm.locale = std::locale("en_US");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
REQUIRE_THAT(fmt::format("{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 01:04:05 PM"));
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{:%x %X}", tm) == "01/03/2022 01:04:05 PM");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103130405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error&) {
// locale not found; ignore
SECTION("GB locale") {
try {
tm.locale = std::locale("en_GB");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
REQUIRE_THAT(fmt::format("{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 13:04:05"));
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{:%x %X}", tm) == "03/01/22 13:04:05");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103130405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error&) {
// locale not found; ignore
TEST_CASE("Format zoned time", "[clock][util]") {
waybar::waybar_time tm{std::locale("C"), date::make_zoned("America/New_York", TEST_TIME)};
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{:%c %Z}", tm) == "Mon Jan 3 08:04:05 2022 EST");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103080405");
/* Test a few locales that are most likely to be present */
SECTION("US locale") {
try {
tm.locale = std::locale("en_US");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
REQUIRE_THAT(fmt::format("{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 08:04:05 AM"));
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{:%x %X}", tm) == "01/03/2022 08:04:05 AM");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103080405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error&) {
// locale not found; ignore
SECTION("GB locale") {
try {
tm.locale = std::locale("en_GB");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{}", tm).empty()); // no format specified
REQUIRE_THAT(fmt::format("{:%c}", tm), // HowardHinnant/date#704
Catch::Matchers::StartsWith("Mon 03 Jan 2022 08:04:05"));
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{:%x %X}", tm) == "03/01/22 08:04:05");
REQUIRE(fmt::format("{arg:%Y%m%d%H%M%S}", fmt::arg("arg", tm)) == "20220103080405");
} catch (const std::runtime_error&) {
// locale not found; ignore
Reference in New Issue