Add polkit authorization and additional terminals
Gitea/Java-Installer/pipeline/head There was a failure building this commit Details

Jonas Letzbor 2024-01-19 16:50:48 +01:00
parent 3e289e756a
commit 0090eec1c9
Signed by: RPJosh
GPG Key ID: 43ACB900522EA740
4 changed files with 65 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -21,15 +21,6 @@

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@ -1 +1 @@

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@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ public class Installer {
error = 2; return;
} catch (Exception ex) { logger.log("e", ex, "installProgramm");

View File

@ -48,9 +48,9 @@ public class RunInConsole {
String executableName = getExecutableName();
// probably executed inside IDE
// Probably executed inside an IDE
if (executableName == null) return;
// is already executed in console
// Application is already executed within a console
if (System.console() != null && !forceRestart) return;
startExecutableInConsole(executableName, keepOpen, asAdmin, args);
@ -60,11 +60,12 @@ public class RunInConsole {
* Opens the console windows and starts the jar file
* Opens a console window and starts the provided jar file.
* The executable name is NOT escaped because it shouldn't be critical. Make sure to provide a valid name.
* @param executableName the name of the jar file (without the path -> relativ)
* @param executableName the name of the jar file (without the path -> relative)
* @param stayOpenAfterEnd keep the console windows opened after the run of the jar file
* @param asAdmin start the console with administrator privileges (on Windows Powershell is required)
* @param asAdmin start the console with administrator privileges (for Windows a Poowershell is required)
private static void startExecutableInConsole(String executableName, final boolean keepOpen, final boolean asAdmin, String[] args) {
@ -83,7 +84,8 @@ public class RunInConsole {
if (keepOpen) command = "cmd /c start cmd /k java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs;
else command = "cmd /c start java -jar \"" + executableName +"\" " + strArgs;
} else {
// da die Administratorkonsole im C:/Windows/System32 pfad geöffnet wird, muss der absolute Pfad der Jar-Datei ermittelt werden
// Because the administrative terminal is opened in 'C:/Windows/System32',
// we need to query the absolute path of the JAR file before starting it
executableName = new File(executableName).getAbsolutePath();
if (keepOpen) command = "powershell \"Start-Process cmd -Verb RunAs -ArgumentList '/C', 'start cmd /k java -jar \" " + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "'";
@ -96,31 +98,51 @@ public class RunInConsole {
String terminal = null;
String terminalCommand = null;
// es muss zunächst ein installiertes Terminal "gefunden" werden, das geöffnet werden kann
// Find a installed terminal that we can use to opened up a new terminal
try {
String[][] terminals = { { "gnome-terminal", "--"}, {"xterm", "-e"}, {"xfce4-terminal", "-e"}, {"tilix", "-e"}, {"konsole", "-e"}, {"terminal", "-e"}};
String[][] terminals = {
{ "gnome-terminal", "--"}, {"xterm", "-e"}, {"xfce4-terminal", "-e"}, {"tilix", "-e"}, {"konsole", "-e"}, {"terminal", "-e"},
{ "wezterm", "start -e" }, { "alacritty", "-e" }
// Find the first available terminal
for (String currentTerminal[]: terminals) {
Process p = new ProcessBuilder("bash", "-c", "which " + currentTerminal[0]).start();
p.waitFor(5000, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
String output = "";
BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
output = buf.readLine();
if (output != null && !output.equals("")) { terminal = currentTerminal[0]; terminalCommand = currentTerminal[1]; break; }
if (isCommandAvailable(currentTerminal[0])) {
terminal = currentTerminal[0]; terminalCommand = currentTerminal[1]; break;
if (terminal == null) break;
if (!asAdmin) {
if (keepOpen) new ProcessBuilder("bash", "-c", terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "; exec bash'").start();
else new ProcessBuilder("bash", "-c", terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "'").start();
if (keepOpen) new ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "; exec sh'").start();
else new ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "'").start();
} else {
if (keepOpen) new ProcessBuilder("bash", "-c", terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " sudo /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "; exec bash'").start();
else new ProcessBuilder("bash", "-c", terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " sudo /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "'").start();
if (isCommandAvailable("pkexec")) {
// A polkit daemon is available on the system. We use it to authenticate the installer as root
Process proc = new ProcessBuilder(
"pkexec", "--user", "root",
// By default, the command started by pkexec will run in a minimal and safe environment. This does NOT include the $DISPLAY variable by default.
// Because the most terminal needs this (and the XAUTH), we use the env command
"env", "DISPLAY=" + System.getenv("DISPLAY"), "XAUTH=" + System.getenv("XAUTH"), "HOME=" + System.getenv("HOME"),
"/bin/sh", "-c",
terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs
+ (keepOpen ? "; exec sh'" : ";")
// The polkit process runs in foreground. So we need to wait until the installation process finished
synchronized(proc) {
} else {
if (keepOpen) new ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " sudo /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "; exec sh'").start();
else new ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", terminal + " " + terminalCommand + " sudo /bin/sh -c 'java -jar \"" + executableName + "\" " + strArgs + "'").start();
} catch (Exception ex) { }
} catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); }
case MACOS: break;
@ -131,6 +153,26 @@ public class RunInConsole {
* Queries if the provided command or application is available on this system.
* @param command Command to check
* @return Weather the command is available or not
* @throws IOException
* @throws InterruptedException
private static boolean isCommandAvailable(String command) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
Process p = new ProcessBuilder("sh", "-c", "which " + command).start();
p.waitFor(2000, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
String output = "";
BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
output = buf.readLine();
return output != null && !output.isBlank();